This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 250)
Thank you for your FOI
We do not have an asset management system & have no plans to purchase one in the future.
I trust this response will meet your...
Good morning / afternoon
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act.
Please accept our sincere apologies for the...
Dear Matthew Dickinson,
Re: Request for Information (RFI: 5165) (CCC) Asset Management In order
to assist you wi...
Summary : (CCC) Asset Managem...
Ashfield District Council
Dear Matthew,
Request for Information
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)
I refer to your request REF...
Dear Matthew,
Following your recent FOI request, please find attached a full and final
If we can be of any further assistance th...
Dear Matthew,
First I would like to apologise for the late response to your FOI request.
Please see the attached document.
Thank you
Dear Matthew Dickinson
I am writing to confirm that the council has completed the processing of
your request for information.
Please find...
Dear Matthew,
Further to your request, please see the below for a response.
I hope that this answers your enquiry. However, please contact me if I ca...
Dear Mr Dickinson
Thank you for contacting Buckinghamshire County Coun...
Reference: 7358
Title: Asset management software
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please see...
Dear Mr Dickinson
Further to my email yesterday please find attached response for FOI 2460
Asset Management System. Thank you for your forbeara...
Dear Mr Dickinson,
Thank you for your request for information, our reference 6157, received on 2/5/2019.
We apologise for the delay, however, your requ...
Dear Mr Dickinson
Please see attached.
Kind Regards
Information Governance Team
Governance and Partnerships | Blackpool Council |Number One| Bickers...
Our Reference: 7836
Dear Mr Dickinson
Thank you for your recent Information request. I can now offer you the
following information:
Dear Mr Dickinson,
Thank you for your recent request for information. Please find enclosed
the information you are entitled to receive under the...
Dear Matthew Dickinson, Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information
request, please find attached our response. Kind regards Freedom of
Hi Matthew,
Please see the response to your FOI attached.
FOI Team
Corporate Improvement and Performance Team
Breckland Council...
FOI request ref: F18/0043
Dear Matthew,
Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 29 March
2019 by the Trust. Due to s...
Good afternoon
Please see the attached response to your recent request for information under the Freedom of Information Act.
Again, we apologise for...
Thank you for your recent request.
Please find below the Council's response to your request.
1. Does your local authority use a asset management...
Please Ask For: Alison Sipson
Direct Line: 01246 242383
E-mail: [Bolsover District Council request email]
Date: 21st May 2019
Matthew Dickin...
Dear Mr M Dickinson
I refer to your Freedom of Information request submitted on 01/05/2019.
I have detailed below the Council’s response.
Dear Matthew
Please see attached response to your request.
Joan Jones | Civic Links & FOI Officer
Amber Valley Borough Council...
Dear Sir,
We refer to your recent request for information.
1. Does your local authority use a asset management system?
2. If no,...
Dear Mr Dickinson
Thank you for your Information Request received on 1 May 2019.
Please can you provide information on the f...
This person's annotations
None made.