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Printed from on February 18, 2025 06:31
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 5)
councillor Judith Russell was a shareholder I have that information..and last year TDC wrote the debt off...seems something not right with officers t...
Ref No:28896 / 1779834
Dear Mrs Oldfield
I refer to your e-mail of 18 January 2012 regarding your request for a review of the decision of the Council...
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Government Office for th...
Dear Margate Conservation Area Advisory Group
Thank you for your request for information. Please accept my sincere
apologies for the slight delay in...
Dear Madam/Sir,
Please find attached SEEDA's response to your Freedom of Information
<<R00232 - Reply Letter.pdf>>
Paul Lovejoy
This person's 1 annotation
The company in question is not Meltree Properties, it it Melltree Properties and is registered as company number: 05972107