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Printed from on February 17, 2025 08:30
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 34)
(page 2)
Classification: OFFICIAL
Dear M. Houlden,
Please see the attached document in relation to your information request.
Kind regards
Dear Marcus Houlden,
Freedom of Information Request (Ref: 262333)
I refer to the above and your request dated 19 February 2020. I have contacted th...
Dear Mr Houlden
Please see the attached documents in relation to your request.
Kind regards
Dear Marcus
Freedom of Information Request (Ref: 181780)
I refer to the above and your request dated 19 March 2019. I have
contacted the r...
Dear Marcus,
Freedom of Information Request (Ref: 103832)
I refer to the above and your request dated 19 February 2019. I have
contacted t...
Dear Mr. Houlden,
Freedom of Information request - Motorcycles in Bus Lanes
I write in response to your above Freedom of Information reques...
Dear Mr. Houlden,
FOI Request: Bus Lane Strategy
I write in response to your above Freedom of Information request, received
in this office...
Mr Houlden
Please see attached a reply to your Freedom of Information request, FOIR7248
Freedom of Information Team
Data Sharing & Protectio...
Please find attached a letter in response to your request for information,
reference FOI 17905, which I trust is self-explanatory.
If y...