This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 29)
Dear Liliana Dmitrovic,
Further to our earlier correspondence, please find attached a more detailed schedule relating to complaints made.
I hope that...
Southwark Council - Information request
Our reference: 949129
Re: Envi...
Dear Ms Dmitrovic
Thank you for your email.
This will need to be treated as a new FOI request. Could you confirm that you would like it to be logged a...
Southwark Council - Information request
Our reference: 769429
Elizabeth Murray
Information Officer (Housing and Modernisation)
Customer Resolution
Link: [1]File-List
Dear Ms Dmitrovic,
Re: Your request for information: 720619
Thank you for your request for information that was received o...
Southwark Council - Information request
Our reference: 659239
Liliana Dmitrovic
[FOI #336913 email]
Customer Resolutions Team
Second Floor, Hub 2
Southwark Council - Information request
Our reference: 509838
Dear accessinfo,
The internal review is now not needed as I've received all the info I asked for (although with a delay).
Liliana Dmitrovi...
Southwark Council - Information request
Our reference: 512341
Liliana Dmitrovic
Via Email
[FOI #261597 email]
Finance & Corporate
Direct L...
Dear Alex Irvine
Thanks for getting back to me, internal review will now not needed, as I got the information I asked for in full.
Yours sincerely,...
Southwark Council - Information request
Our reference: 500524
Dear Ms Dmitrovic
Thank you for your email. A response was sent yesterday in regards to your FOI request asking for:
How many new homes are to be bui...
Would be useful to know which regeneration site/s they visited in Dublin and why those sites?
Dear Ms Dmitrovic
Please find attached the response to your FOI internal review request.
If you have any questions regarding my response please conta...
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Southwark Borough Counci...
Southwark Council - Information request (FOI/EIR)
Our reference: 285126
Liliana Dmitrovic Via Email [FOI #153917 email]
Finance & Corporate Service...
Dear Ms Dmitrovic,
please find attached a letter
Norman Coombe
Head of Corporate Team
Legal Services
Finance & Corporate Services
Postal address:
Dear Bright, Bradley,
Thanks for forwarding these promptly - I just realised I had made a mistake and wanted to ask for all of the transparency docum...
Dear Liliana Dmitrovic,
Re: Your appeal 216782 (0) against request for information: 216872
Please note that after sending through the previous resp...
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
Quick reminder that the response to my request for internal review is...
Dear Ms Dmitrovic
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2011110002926
I write in connection with your request for information which was rece...
Dear Ms Dmitrovic
The request has been referred back to the Metropolitan Police. I have
asked that you are updated by the...
Dear Liliana Dmitrovic,
Thank you for your email.
Although the notes do appear incomplete, I have double checked our records and can confirm what was...
Dear Liliana Dmitrovic,
Re: Your request for information: 167416
Thank you for your FOI request that was received on 14 August 2011 in
which you...
ICO Case Reference Number FS50366643
Dear Ms Dmitorovic
Please find attached further information.
Norman Coombe
Principal Lawyer
Communities, La...
This person's 8 annotations
Are the attachments missing?
Please re-post the attachments if possible? Thanks
Does this mean that all of the 28,237 properties could be demolished, as none are free of serious structural problems?
We've been looking at the Ministry of Justice figures for all eviction proceedings between 2003 and 2014 (1st quarter). Maybe some of that data might b...
Samuel, you can find some of the information here (not as spreadsheets unfortunately, but there is a way of converting pdfs into spreadsheets which may...
Matt, might be worth putting in a request for 'communications during a calendar month' or by type of communication during a period? Good luck either wa...
Apologies, 2nd paragraph should read '...dealing with representatives of agencies not based in the
This might be of interest
received document on 15/03/2010 to say that providing the information would take longer than 18 hours and cost over £450, therefore Southwark Council a...