There is more than one person who uses this site and has this name. Search for other users named "Liam Green"
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 7)
Hi Liam
We do not mind giving you the information, but can you please tell me a
little more about your organisation and why you require the info...
Chart as requested is attached. All staff can be contacted via the main University telephone system 01216041000
David Jones
University Secretar...
Dear Liam
I am writing to you in response to your freedom of information request
dated 10 October 2013
Please find attached our response.
Hello Liam
Please find attached the current organisation chart showing the Derby College management team.
All staff can be contacted by phone on 0800...
Dear St Helens Community College,
Could I please get an updated organisation chart for the college,
with telephone numbers and e-mail addresses for...
Could I please get an updated organisation chart for the college,
with telephone numbers and e-mail addresses for all Senior and
middle management....
Could I please get an updated organisation chart for the college,
with telephone numbers and e-mail addresses for all Senior and
middle management....
This person's annotations
None made.