This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 500)
Dear Sir
Re: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request
Thank you for your request for information which was receiv...
Dear Lawrence Weetman,
Environmental Information Regulations 2004 Request Ref 00206322.
We refer to your request submitted on 11.07.2024 an...
Hi Lawrence,
Apologies for the delay in responding to your request. Please the response
This transmission is intended for the named...
Dear Sir
Re: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request -
Thank you for your request for information which was rece...
Dear Mr Weetman,
I am writing in response to your request dated 11/07/2024. This has been
dealt with under the Environmental Information Regula...
Dear Mr Weetman
Please find attached our response to your request for information which we processed in accordance with the Environmental Information...
Dear Mr Weetman
Please find attached the response to your FOI Request.
Policy Compliance Service
Department of Corporate Cor...
Dear Mr Weetman
I refer to your information request logged on 11 July 2024 given the
reference 13164 and would firstly apologise for the long de...
Thank you for your information request. Your request is being handled
under the Freedom of Information Act (2000).
Q. In particular, I would like to...
[1]Working Together Freedom of Information Request
Reference number: FOI229
Dear Lawrence Weetman,
Thank you for your Environmental Informat...
Request for Infor...
Dear L Weetman,
Re: Freedom of Information Request – FOI 14785
I am writing regarding your request for information under the
Good morning Mr Weetman,
my name is Rick Donnelly and I am the Operations Manager in Luton Council
Parks Service. I have been passed your enquiry....
This response has also been sent to [email address] by
Matthew Magrath
Ref: FOI/00015438
Dear Lawrence Weetman
Further to your request received...
Dear Lawrence Weetman,
Re: Environmental Information Regulations Request MY7TAT9ZB.
I refer to your correspondence to the council and your request...
Subject: Environmental Information Regulations Request
ref EIR-202407002948 - Response
Dear Mr L Weetman,
Cambridgeshire County Council has now...
Request FOI/15439
Dear Lawrence Weetman
Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay in responding.
Given the subject matter - tree mainten...
Dear Mr Weetman
Your request for information ref. SOT-130221 about tree locations and tree
We have now considered your request and...
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thankyou for your information request reference: 20240712004
Please find response Document(s) attached to this email.
Relevant con...
Information request
Our reference: 14382881
Dear Mr Weetman
Dear Lawrence
Please find below Fermanagh and Omagh District Council's response to your
recent Freedom of Information request logged as ATI:4763/2...
Please see attached FOI response as requested.
Kind Regards,
Ian Bain
Greenspace and Waste Manager
Dear Mr Weetman,
I write in reference your recent FOIA request.
I have been advised that this information is not held centrally, and that
we would n...
Good morning Lawrence
Please find the attached in answer to your below request.
Kind regards
Trees and Woodland Office
[1][email ad...
Dear Lawrence Weetman,
I am writing in response to your request for an internal review, received
26th July. Please see a copy of my response attache...
This person's 5 annotations
This is really interesting. This council seems to have a methodology in place, and seems to be good at finding alternatives that allow trees to be save...
I raised an ICO case about a lack of response. They have asked FDC to respond within 10 days.
I received the following response directly, outside of WDTK:
Thank you for your request for information about which we received on 31/01/23. Your req...
Referred to ICO today.
Complaint text:
I requested information about Investment Board Minutes relating to building on land that is council owned. T...
I have made this request due to local concern about the site being closed: