This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 85)
Dear Kenneth MacArthur
I apologise for the delay in responding to your request. The Home Office aims to reply to requests for an internal review withi...
Please find attached a response to your correspondence.
This e-mail (and any...
As,UKM,-%22%5D%20=%20%7Bname=%22United appears...
Dear Mr MacArthur
Thank you for your Freedom of Information enquiry below. Please find attached a copy of our response. If you experience any difficul...
Good afternoon Mr MacArthur,
I hope that this email finds you well.
My apologies, I should have explained in the response text to your Freedom
Dear Kenneth,
The email for the NPCC Data Protection Team in the NPFDU can be found under 'Requesting Access to your Personal Data' on the UKFPU Priva...
Reference number: FOI-202300403
Dear Kenneth MacArthur
Please find attached our response to your recent information request.
If you h...
Reference number: 202300305
Dear Kenneth MacArthur
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.
If you h...
Date: 28/09/2023
Dear Kenneth MacArthur
Re: Request for Information – Dwellings not complying with space
standards – Reference Number: FOI/105...
Please find attached a response to your correspondence.
This e-mail (and any...
Dear Kenneth MacArthur,
Thank you for your email.
Please find attached the response to your enquiry.
Kind Regards
MHRA Customer Experience Centre...
Date: 23/08/2023
Dear Kenneth MacArthur
Re: Request for Information – Planning applications in relation to
MRQG – Reference Number: FOI/10...
Dear Mr MacArthur,
Please see attached a response from our Democratic Services to your recent
I trust this helps you.
Dear Kenneth MacArthur
Please find attached a response to your recent FOI request.
Yours sincerely
Information Rights Unit | Correspondence and I...
Dear Mr MacArthur,
We are writing in response to your request for information, received 5
Yours sincerely,
HMRC Freedom of Information Tea...
Dear Mr MacArthur
We can arrange an informal discussion if you so wish. If you can provide an alternative email address we can set something up.
In all further correspondence please quote our reference FOI-838.
Your request fo...
Dear Kenneth MacArthur,
Please find attached the UK Health Security Agency's response to your
Yours sincerely,
Information Rights Team...
Dear Kenneth MacArthur,
Please find attached the UK Health Security Agency's response to your
Yours sincerely,
Information Rights Team...
Dear Mr MacArthur,
Please find attached a response to your recent request for information.
Internal Review of FOI 22/735
Dear Kenneth MacArthur,
We thank you for your request for an internal review of the MHRA's
handling of your...
Dear Mr MacArthur.
Please find attached the outcome letter of the internal review into the
handling of FOI-1375236 and an accompanying document....
Dear Mr MacArthur
We are writing to confirm that we have provided the audio recordings to
you privately, and now consider this FOI request c...
Dear Mr MacArthur
Please find a response to your request for an internal review of FOI 21/794 attached.
Kind regards,
MHRA Customer Experience...
This person's 1 annotation
Response provided here: