This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 107)
Thank you for the email and contacting the MPS "Data Office - Data Rights
Unit [1][email address]". Our office is open Monday to Friday only, and
In ICO decision IC-168381-Q2J4 the commissioner records that the complainant was vexatious n the strength of your argument that they were "Attempting t...
Our ref: FOI2025/01359
Dear Keith Kennaugh,
Thank you for your request for information which was received on 19th
January. Your request is being h...
Our ref: FOI2025/00162
Dear Keith Kennaugh,
Thank you for your request which was received on 17th January.
Please remember to quote the reference...
Dear Freedom of Information,
Thank you for your prompt attention.
The ICO decision which you rely on has been found to be in error by Judge Foss of...
Thank you for your prompt attention. The ICO decision reference IC-230120-Q7W5 refers to action which the police has taken and is therefore not persona...
Dear Keith Kennaugh
The date that the response is due for your request, IR2024/15649, has been
changed to 23rd January. Please see the attached lett...
Good afternoon,
Please see the attached correspondence in response to your recent Right of
Access request.
Please note the new reference number 01...
I thank you for your latest demonstration of the lack of basic literacy in the force, but I feel moved to point out for the benefit of the audience tha...
In the light of your apology and recognition of the mistake, I withdraw this request.
Yours faithfully,
Keith Kennaugh
Dear FOI Team Mailbox,
Thank you for your letter.
Your reliance on section 12(1) instead of 12(2) shows utter contempt for the ICO decision and the...
Dear Keith Kennaugh,
Thank you for your email. As stated in the Appeal Rights included in our
original response, the BBC does not offer an internal...
Good afternoon Keith,
Following my previous email, please find attached our response to your
Freedom of Information request, received on 4 September...
Dear Samantha Wilkinson,
I am writing to request an internal review of your handling of this information request: the law requires requests to be ans...
Dear Mr Kennaugh,
Thank you for your email below. There is no update from the Data
Protection Team nor the Information Rights Team as we were n...
Thank you for the email and contacting the MPS "Data Office - Data Rights
Unit [1][email address]". Our office is open Monday to Friday
only, and thi...
Dear PCP Officer,
I am concerned to have received no reply to my clarification of this information request.
Can you please also identify the organis...
Dear PCP Officer,
Thank you for your tardy response. I appreciate that you want to string this out as long as possible, but the law does require that...
Thank you for your detailed reply.
I would have thought you could give some kind of rough breakdown without compromising commercial sensitivity, but I...
Thank you for the email and contacting the MPS "Data Office - Data Rights
Unit [1][email address]". Our office is open Monday to Friday
only, and thi...
17 May 2024
Case Reference: IC-301864-B6H2
Dear K Kennaugh
Please find attached our response to your request.
Yours sincerely,
Craig Ine...
Dear Mr Kennaugh,
Thank you for your e-mail.
For clarity, the Police and Crime Panel (PCP), made up of 12
representatives from the five co...
Dear PCP Officer,
Thank you for your prompt attention.
Can you please clarify what you appear to be saying here?
You appear to be saying that the...
In your letter of 8th April 2024, you describe a complaint about the violation of Article Six of the Convention on Human Rights and report that your Se...
Dear Samantha Wilkinson,
Is your "Senior Legal Officer" unfamiliar with the Human Rights Act?
They say 'That the Panel does not hold any record of...
This person's 8 annotations
The FOIA legislation does not state that they cannot review their decisions at all.
The doctrine of functus officio is well established and appears t...
That does appear to cover it. Thank you.
The only question now is of why the ICO were so reluctant to give that simple answer...
Interesting, and it flies close to the point that we seek to address, but I think it does not hit it.
For the convenience of any readers, that judgmen...
I think that planning law is a poor example, because the planning laws specify the circumstances in which decisions can be modified.
If there is a ge...
In response to Jonathon Baines annotation
A legal notice may bi...
I think this is truly shocking.
We are all aware of the incidents of "Paid lobbying" and MPs "Second jobs" which appear to be cover stories for briber...
Following an intervention by the ICO, the MPS have answered separately, saying:
"I can now confirm that we have not received any allegations in relati...
I have referred this question to the ICO.
The answer given appears to be dishonest, purporting to come from the head of department, whereas it is sign...