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Printed from on December 03, 2024 21:11
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 8)
Dear Kay Sandham,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Ref: 23/2021
Thank you for your correspondence received on 24^th February, 2021.
In r...
Dear Ms Sandham,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Ref: 23/2021
Thank you for your correspondence received on the 23^rd February 2021.
Yours faithfully,
Kay sandham
Yours faithfully,
Kay sandham
Yours faithfully,
Kay sandham
Yours faithfully,
Kay sandham
sorry duplicate request
Yours faithfully,
Kay sandham
Could you please provide an estimate for the number of hours that our Mayor Ben Houghton has spent since March 2019 on non-Covid related press and comm...
This person's annotations
None made.