This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 56)
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Westminster Kingsway Col...
Please can you respond to my outstanding Freedom of Information request?
Yours faithfully,
Katie Evans
Please can you respond to my outstanding Freedom of Information request?
Yours faithfully,
Katie Evans
Good afternoon Katie
Please see below response below.
Could you please provide me with the job title of your Data Protection
Officer? Depu...
Dear Katie Evans,
I write on behalf of Barnet and Southgate College in response to your recent Freedom of Information request.
Please accept our apol...
Dear Katie
Thank you for your email of 22nd April 2024 where you requested information about FOI and DPO.
The information you have requested is enclo...
Dear Katie,
Thank you for your request, which has been forwarded to me for response.
I have provided responses to your questions in blue italic...
Dear Katie,
Please see below the answers to your questions:
Could you please provide me with the job title of your Data Protection Officer?
Dear Katie
I write in response to your email dated 17 April 2024 in which you
Dear Katie
Thank you for your request which was sent to the college on 17 April 2024.
The College Response
Please see details of you...
Dear Katie,
Thank you for your email dated 22 April 2024 requesting the following
1. Could you please provide me with the job title...
Dear Katie
Thank you for your email dated 22 April requesting information regarding
data protection and freedom of information practices at...
Hi Katie,
Please see response to your FOI next to the question:
Could you please provide me with the job title of your Data Protection Officer? HR Di...
Dear Katie,
Thank you for your enquiry. South Thames Colleges Group comprises
Carshalton College, Kingston College, Merton College and South Thames...
Dear Katie,
Please find attached the RNN Group’s response to your Freedom of
Information Act 2000 request.
Kindest regards
Information Gov...
Dear Kate
Please see attached Walsall College's response to your recent Freedom of Information request.
Kind regards
Laura Pincher
Deputy Data...
Dear Katie Evans,
Your Request
I write in response to your request for information, made on 22.04.2024,
which we received and acknowledge...
Hi Katie
with regards to your request, please see responses below in Red:
Regards Jason
Jason Barnard
Director of MIS
MIS & Exams
Barnsley Colle...
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information Request, please see responses
Kind regards
Victoria Eastwood
Chief Gove...
Good morning, Katie
Thank you for your enquiry. The answers to your questions are below in
If you would like to contact us the future, please...
Dear Ms Evans
Please find attached a response to your freedom of information request
relating to responses provided by education providers regardi...
Dear Ms Evans,
Freedom of Information Request F22-285
Thank you for your request for information as copied below. You have asked
the H...
Dear Kate Evans,
Please find below the response to your FOI request.
Under the Freedom of Information Act please can you provide me the
Dear Katie Evans,
Our Ref: 041/19
As of 1 October 2012, Edinburgh’s Telford College, Jewel & Esk College and
Stevenson College merged to c...
Dear Ms Evans
Responses to each of your questions are provided below:
1) The job title of your Data Protection Officer: Group Director of IT
2) Pleas...
This person's annotations
None made.