This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 34)
Dear Karen, further to your enquiry, please find below the information
requested -
Agency Spend 22/23 -
Support costs - £89,176
Academic t...
Dear Karen Robinson
We refer to your e-mail of 12th September 2023 where you requested information about the college organisation chart and our respon...
Dear Karen,
Thank you for your email requesting an internal review of Furness College's handling of your FOI request 'Organisation Chart INCLUDING NAM...
Dear Ms Robinson
Following discussion with senior colleagues, the Vice Principal Finance and Resources has agreed to release the organisation chart in...
Good morning please find attached
Best wishes
Macclesfield College
Dear Macclesfield College,
Please respond to this request....
Please respond to this request.
By Law, you should have responded promptly and by 10 October 2023
Yours faithfully,
Karen Robinson
Please respond to this request.
By Law, you should have responded promptly and by 10 October 2023
Yours faithfully,
Karen Robinson
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Blackpool Sixth Form Col...
Dear Karen,
The information you have requested, to the extent that we share this
bearing in mind data protection considerations, is regularly updated...
Good Morning Karen,
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information Request. I apologise if you have tried to contact us before but this is the first...
Please find attached our current organisation chart including names.
I have reviewed the reasons for our failure to return this in response to...
Dear Karen
Please find attached, as requested, a copy of the College’s Management
In addition, I can advise that the College’s...
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. Thi...
Dear Ms Robinson
Many thanks for your FOI request of 12 September 2023.
In this instance, may we refer you to a previous FOI request which...
Dear Ms Robinson
Apologies for the delay in responding.
Please find attached up-to-date organisation charts.
It includes the names...
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Aquinas College's handli...
As requested
Craig Owen
Vice Principal – Data, Funding & Information
Direct Tel: 01539 814720
Kendal College Website
Kendal College Organ...
Thank you for your request.
Please find attached our most recent management organogram.
B&FC has moved to MSTeams for telephony purposes and calls ar...
Dear Ms Robinson
I am writing in response to your email dated 1 February 2023 requesting
information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland)...
Dear Ms Robinson
I am writing in response to your email dated 1 February 2023 requesting information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2...
This is long over due. Please can this be posted ASAP please.
By law this information should be in the public domain. If this is rejected for the sec...
Issued on behalf of Michael Breen, Vice Principal – Finance
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your email of 30 August
2022 and...
Issued on behalf of Michael Breen, Vice Principal – Finance
Please find attached correspondence in response to your email of 30 August
2022 and...
Good afternoon Karen,
Please find attached as requested.
Kind regards
HR Team
Oldham College
Rochdale Road, Oldham OL9 6AA
Dear Ms Robinson
Further to your FOI Request (below), please find attached organogram for B&FC.
Please note that some names and contact details have b...
This person's annotations
None made.