This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 284)
Dear FOI,
Thank you for the information you have supplied. A supplementary question I have is:
whether you have any Positive Action strategies in pla...
Information request
Our reference: 56508004
Your reference: [FOI #992834 email]
Dear Dr Karamat Iqbal
Thank you for your request for information.
We have considered your request and can provide the following informat...
Dear Dr Iqbal
Further to your freedom of information request, please find attached the
Trust’s response.
This request is now closed.
Good Afternoon
Following your most recent e-mail, the response the FOI team have received is as follows:
Positive Action is covered in our Equality S...
Dear Kiramat,
Re: FOI request ref: F22/0479
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please would you kindly supply the fol...
Dear Requester
Please accept this email as formal acknowledgement of your request for information.
This request will be processed in accordance with...
Hi Kamarat
We are currently recruiting Non-Executives to join our Board. It's our aim to improve representation overall on our Board including individ...
Please would you kindly supply the following data:
1. Number and as a Percentage of overall population, of Pakistanis within the area covered by your...
Dear Dr Iqbal
Further to your recent request for information please see the attached
If you have any queries about this email, pl...
Dear Dr Iqbal
Further to your recent request for information please see the attached
If you have any queries about this email, pleas...
Dear Dr Iqbal
Further to your recent request for information please see the attached
If you have any queries about this email, pl...
Information request
Our reference: 22049788
Your reference: [FOI #733303 email]
Our ref: 22049788
11 March 2021
Mr karamat iqbal
Good afternoon.
Thank you for resending the email to myself. Please find attached the
reply re the freedom of information request for City academy....
Our reference: FOI 0849 2020/21
Dear Dr Karamat Iqbal,
Thank you for your request for information. The Trust's response is provided in the attached d...
Good afternoon.
Please find attached the reply re the freedom of information request for
Arena academy.
Kind regards
David Le-Worthy
David Le-...
Good afternoon.
Please find attached the reply re the freedom of information request for
Rockwood academy.
Kind regards
David Le-Worthy
David Le-...
I am currently not working afternoons so if your query is urgent, please
email [email address].
Many thanks
Dear Dr Iqbal
Please find a response to your Freedom of Information request along with a
copy of the other information you requested attached....
Dear Karamat,
Thank you for your request for information, which was received on 11
November 2020. You requested information relating to the Depa...
Dear Dr. Iqbal,
Please see attached the data originally sent as part of your original request in PDF format as requested.
If you have any further que...
Dear T Lewis,
Here is the request from March 2020. I would be grateful if you would communicate directly with me karamat at
Polite reminder
Yours faithfully,
karamat iqbal
This is the final reminder. If I don't have a response I will have no choice but to include your school amongst the 'did not respond'.
Yours faithf...
Dear Karamat,
The FOI request was completed and sent to you 11th May, it was sent from our Trust as you sent FOI requests to more than one E-ACT acade...
This person's annotations
None made.