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Printed from on October 12, 2024 19:30
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 9)
Reference number: FOI-202401356
Dear Kai
Please find attached a letter from Network Rail in response to your recent
request for informa...
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. Thi...
Dear Mr Korzonek
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom Of
Information Act regarding bus lane contraventions.
We do not hold...
Dear Kai Korzonek,
Thank you for the email in which you requested information under the Freedom of Information Act. I will provide a full response wit...
Please find attached the response to your FOI Act request.
John Skeen
Notice Processing Manager
Please see attached the information requested.
John Skeen
Notice Processing Manager
Newcastle Parking S...
Hi Kai
Thank you for your email.
I have attached a copy of the pdf map again.
When I tried to open it from the email I sent you it di...
Dear Kai
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.
This information is not something that NCC collect regularly or have
ongoing m...
Dear Kia,
Thank you for your clarification on your recent request for information
which we have handled under the Freedom of Information Act (20...
This person's annotations
None made.