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Printed from on September 14, 2024 12:40
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 8)
Dear Mr Galloway,
Internal Review on Freedom of Information request: EIR-IR-72725
Thank you for your Internal Review request on the handlin...
Dear John Galloway,
I do not consent to my information being used in this way.
If you are not able to remove posts, please edit to remove my personal...
Dear Mr Galloway
Freedom of Information request: FOI-73641
Thank you for your request dated 12 June 2023.
Our response is as follows...
Dear Sao at Boxgrove Primary School,
Under statute your reply to this request is due by tomorrow at the latest
Yours sincerely,
John Galloway
Dear Mr Galloway
Freedom of Information request: FOI-68060
Thank you for your request dated 30 August 2022.
Thank you for your reque...
Dear St Ursula's Convent School, London,
Thank you for the minutes.
I will look out for others as they are agreed.
Yours faithfully,
John Gallow...
Dear Nosheen Rathore,
I have previously responded to say that I believe some of the minutes requested have been withheld.
Please review this and pro...
Dear Jacqueline Power,
Having reviewed the minutes I note that in the minutes of 16th November 2015 this item appears
"7 The adoption of the collab...
This person's annotations
None made.