This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 31)
Where is the approved Full Business Case for the scheme, dated October 2007. Says it's attached. sent by post?
Dear Joel Benjamin,
Please accept our apologies for the delay in re...
Dear Mr Benjamin,
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information Act
request about the Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft programm...
Dear Mr Benjamin
Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Appeal
Reference No. 246754
We regret to inform you that we will be unable to send our full...
Peter Audemars | Corporate Finance Directorate
Department for Transport | Great Minster House
| SW1 4DR
020 7944 4159 | 07826 869374
Information request
Our reference: 566064
Dear Mr Benjamin
Dear Mr Benjamin,
Enquiry Ref : 2014/5225
I write in response to your clarified request for information dated 3rd January 2014
Information request
Our reference: 559564
Dear Mr Benjamin
Dear Mr Benjamin,
I refer to your request for information dated 5^th December 2013. In
accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Informat...
FAO Mr Joel Benjamin
Dear Mr Benjamin
Thank you for your recent FOI request. I now have the information you
require and this is as set ou...
Camden Council - Information request (FOI/EIR) - Housing and adult social
Our reference: 9044132
Information request (FOI/EIR) - Housing and...
Dear Mr Benjamin
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
Request for Information – Libor Rigging on Council PFI Contracts
I refer to y...
Dear, Joel Benjamin,
Freedom of Information Request: LIBOR Rate and PFI Contracts
I am writing regarding your request for information, whic...
Dear Mr Benjamin
Thank you for your request for information made under the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) 2000, relating to Kent County Cou...
Our Ref: FOI3230
Dear Mr Benjamin
Freedom of Information : Right to know request
We refer to your request under the Freedom of In...
Dear Mr Benjamin
Please see the attached response to your Freedom of Information request of
20 November for copies of correspondence between Vi...
Dear Mr Benjamin,
Please see attached a reply to your question.
DIO Sec Public Affairs Sec5a |
Defence Infrastructure Organisatio...
Dear Mr Benjamin
Please find attached a response to your e-mail of 12 November below.
Yours sincerely
Public Information & Enquiries Group
Bank of...
Dear Mr. Benjamin
Please find attached a response to your FOI request.
Information Rights Unit| HM Treasury, 1 Horse Guar...
Somerset Direct Reference: 2656587
Internal Reference: 130016
Date request received: 07/11/2013
Date response due: 05/12/2013
Date of response:...
Dear Mr Benjamin
Thank you for your e-mail below.
We wrote to you on 28 November 2013 (e-mail attached) to advise you that this request has been pass...
Our ref: FOI3160
Dear Mr Benjamin
We refer to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the
Act), for the following...
Somerset Direct Reference: 2646268
Internal Reference: 1973
Date request received: 02/09/2013
Date response due: 30/09/2013
Date of response: 0...
Dear Mr Benjamin,
Please see the attached letter and associated papers, in response to your
FOI request regarding details of correspondence with the...
So would I.
Why did they encrypt this reply? It is public information.
This person's 1 annotation
Look forward to reading this response. In whose interests are the SFO acting in suppressing the details of fraudulent financiers from the public realm?...