This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 26)
Hello [FOI #622531 email],
You've contacted us outside our regular hours of operation.
Please expect a response during our regular business hours....
Dear Jayne,
Please accept my apologies for the delay in response to the latest part of your FOI request 6594/18.
Please find attached a data set from...
Your Email Account [FOI #479293 email] Password is
nearing its Expiration
If you want to continue Using our services without any Interrupti...
Sarah the money comes from the Mayor's magic money tree. Don't forget that if he wishes to splash tax payers money around he has proven that he can wit...
Dear Jayne,
Thank you for your request for information regarding Planning Training
I can advise that the information requested is as follow...
What happened to this request? The last few emails are not available to view.
Dear Marissa Joyce,
Thank you for your reply. The matter has now been referred to the Information Commissioner
Yours sincerely,
jayne laine
Dear Jayne,
Thank you for your request for information regarding – Transcription of
Full Council Meeting CBC 05.12.17
I can advise that th...
Good Morning Ms Laine
Thank you for your email.
Cumbria County Council does not have a list of eligible assets, however we do hold a list of land and...
Dear Jayne
Thank you for your Freedom of Information Request. Your request for information has been forwarded on to our Freedom of Information Officer...
Dear Jayne,
Thank you for your request for information regarding Copeland Recycling
I can advise that the information requested is...
Dear Jayne,
Thank you for your email of 02 January 2018 where you requested information about Community Assets.
I can confirm that Copeland Borough C...
Dear Clifford Walker,
Thank you for your prompt response
Yours sincerely,
jayne laine
Dear Jayne,
Thank you for your request for information regarding Mark House Land Sale
I can advise that the information requested is as follows:
What you are proposing makes sense to a lot of people, especially to those who have suffered in many ways due to the lack of transparency within this c...
Dear Jayne,
I responed to your initial request on 15.08.17, as per email you have
attached, and Copeland BC were investigating the process. I also...
Good Afternoon Jayne,
Thanks for copying me into this email thread.
I have today received the above attached record of decision in relation to car pa...
Dear Ms Laine,
Thank you for your request for information regarding Advertisement Consent Prosecutions
I can advise that the information requested is...
Morning Jayne,
I am, at this time, unable to comment on the 'retrospective' or otherwise nature of this policy, however for your information I am awar...
Dear Ms Laine
With reference to your request under the Freedom of Information Act, we
understand that our Development Management team has alread...
Dear Ms Laine,
Many thanks for your email and additional/repeated requests relative to your FOIA internal review request.
I can advise that the infor...
Dear Cllr Laine
Further to our email of 1st November regarding your review request, we have now completed that process.
You indicated that you could...
Dear Clifford Walker,
It's getting a bit strained now!!!!@who is the caseworker this time? Answers on a postcard?
Is this becoming a farse or is cb...
Dear Denise James,
I was told that it was a Traffic IMPACT Assessment and that it was directly relating to the flow of traffic and the impact of road...
Dear Ms Laine
Thank you for your request for information regarding Benefits Package for
the Chief Executive
I can advise that the Chief Ex...
This person's 16 annotations
Perhaps the clerk could give me the answers you are looking for?
The Town Council claims that it relied on s111 of the Local Government Act 1972 which, on advice I have received is not really a power to reimb...
well well well ! When it suits Councillor OKane, in the meantime you took nearly 5K off the rightful owner for your own personal gain
Quick Quick ...... WTC dysfunctional Council will hold a special meeting soon no doubt to retrospectively..... retrospectively and retrospectively susp...
Oh dear oh dear! Openness and Transparency out the window on this one.
Were they not husband and wife? Was all necessary declarations given at the t...
Ah I see
Declaration dates. hmmmmmmmm another interesting one!
How was this allowed to happen? and why?
Interesting FOI - with very interesting answers !!! Is Mr Greenaway the husband of Fiona Rooney the 151 Officer? If so id like to see the Declaration...
Hi John
You should now lodge a formal complaint with the MO. It matters not who asks the question, even if they are Micky Mouse - there is no sensibl...
I am just researching this a bit more - Legally I think that the Monitoring Officer is still the previous one - I cant see a resolution of Full...
To listen to the CBC recordings from the 05.12.17 Please log in here and download - PUBLIC LINK
Dear John
The current Monitoring officer I am led to believe is Julie Betteridge.
Jayne Laine
Any FOIs rejected because they think you are a fake person just ask me and I will lodge the question.
Happy to do so for anyone.
It's hardly trans...
Thank you for your speedy response. I look forward to receiving this information.
Best wishes
Cllr Laine
Thank you Cliff for the information.
Questions 5 and 6 remain unchanged - I just require a breakdown of costs for a burial / interment as shown in...
Thank you Cliff- most appreciated