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Printed from on February 10, 2025 17:31
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 8)
Dear Ms Owens
Please find below our response to you FOI request:
In the last year the College spent:
· £4,000 for an annual licen...
Dear Jannet
In response to your Freedom of Information request, I can confirm that, for the period 16th May 2015 to 15th May 2016, the costs associate...
Good morning Jannet,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request dated 16th May 2016 requesting information regarding our agency spend for the l...
Hello Jannet
With regard to your recent FOI request. I detail below our spend for the 12 months to 31/03/16.
Recruitment advertising - £746
Dear Ms Owens
Please find the response to your FoI request below:
August 15 to date
Advertising costs - £5,592
Agency costs - £0
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees (please
confirm agenc...
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees (please
confirm agenc...
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees (please
confirm agenc...
This person's annotations
None made.