This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 152)
Dear Jane Alltimes
It appears that due to an oversight our response to your Freedom of
Information enquiry in respect of Adult Social Care servi...
Dear Nicola,
I am writing because I have still not received the information I requested on social care spending, which is now several months overdue....
Dear Ms Alltimes,
Please find attached our response to your request for information.
Andrew Goodfellow
Senior Information...
Our ref: 101000003141
Stage 1 Response
Date: 1 June 2012
BY EMAIL Customer Relations Team
Business Support Directorate
Gun Wharf...
Dear Jane
Freedom of Information request F2012-03-1021
We have looked into your request for information about spending on adult social care, and our...
Dear Ms Alltimes
Please find the Council’s response to your FOI request.
Kind regards
Cynthia Muir
FOI/Business Implementation Officer
Dear Jane,
Information Request: 02163
I write further to your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 received on 30^th...
Dear Mrs Alltimes
Please find attached our response to your FOI request. Please accept our
sincere apologies for the delay in replying to you.
Dear Ms Alltimes
Please see amended response attached. However we have been unable to answer
the gross amounts as doing so would take us over the 18 h...
Ref: FOI 3958
Dear Ms Alltimes
I am writing in response to your request for information below.
Please see attached for our updated response includi...
Again we apologise for the delay in responding to your initial enquiry. We
are now able to offer you the data relating to Questions 1 and 2. Please
Dear Jane,
Thank you for your request dated 30/12/12 which has been dealt with under
the Freedom of Information Act procedures.
Please a...
Dear Riyadur,
Further to my email of 20th March, do you have 2012/13 budget figures available now?
Yours sincerely,
Jane Alltimes
SENT ON BEHALF OF [email address]
Dear Ms Alltimes
Please see the attached documents in reply to your Freedom of Information
Dear Ms Alltimes
Please find attached the Council's response to your recent request for
information. I apologise for the delay in responding.
Dear Ms Alltimes
Please find attached the Council’s response to your Freedom of Information
This email and any fi...
Dear Ms Alltimes
Thank you for your request which has been dealt with under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000, I am very sorry for the...
Please find attached our response to your request, received 30-JAN-12.
The Information Management Team
Direct Tel: 0...
FAO: Ms Jane Alltimes
In response to your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000, and with apologies for the delay i...
Information request
Our reference: 65917
Dear Ms. Alltimes
Ms Alltimes
Please find attached response to your FOI request.
Emily Wilcox
PA to Colette Kelly AED...
Dear Jane
My apologies for the delay in reverting to you.
I attach a copy of my response sent under separate cover.
Southwark Council - In...
Dear Freedom of Information team,
I am writing to remind you that I am yet to receive the information I requested on social care spending.
Please r...
Dear Ms Alltimes,
Request for information: Adult Social Care Budgets
In response to your final question:
2) What was the gross expendit...
Dear Requester,
Our response to your Freedom of Information request is detaled attached.
Dear Council of the Isles of Scilly,
Under the Freedom o...
This person's annotations
None made.