This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 43)
Reference: FOI2024/00441
Dear James Sheppard,
Thank you for your information request which we received on 28th September
2024. In your...
Dear DSIT Information Rights Team,
Thank you for providing this information.
Yours sincerely,
James Sheppard
Dear James Sheppard,
Please find attached our response to your request for an Internal Review
(reference IR2024/04804).
Yours sincerely,
FOI Tea...
Dear FOI Requests,
Thank you for your response stating that you do not hold this information. I must say it seems remarkable that such a funding dec...
Dear James Sheppard,
Thank you for your email.
We note that you have submitted two similar FOI requests from separate
'WhatDoTheyKnow' addresses. Th...
Dear GO-Science public enquiries,
Thank you for this clarification
Yours sincerely,
James Sheppard
Dear FOIs (DSIT),
Thank you for forwarding the result of your internal review. I note the review's conclusion that although the response was complet...
Dear GO-Science public enquiries,
Thank you for providing those pointers.
Yours sincerely,
James Sheppard
Dear FOIs (DSIT),
Thank you for providing the pointer to this information.
Yours sincerely,
James Sheppard
Tank you for that information.
Yours faithfully,
James Sheppard
Dear FOI Requests (Energy Security),
Thank you for your response.
Yours sincerely,
James Sheppard
Dear James Sheppard
I am contacting you regarding your request for an internal review
concerning the response provided to FOI-0487-2324. Followi...
Thank you for your reply confirming that you have no information on policies and standards for the evaluation of AI in decision suppor...
Information request
Our reference: IRN17815929
Your reference: [FOI #980493 email]
Dear Mr Dent
Thanks for your fast and helpful reply
Yours sincerely,
James Sheppard
Guy Opperman's answer to David Linden:
UIN 166321, tabled on 15 March 2023
'There are no plans to automate the decision making or the application...
Dear Mr Sheppard,
Thank you for your recent information request; please find attached the
CAA’s response.
Freedom of Information Team...
Good afternoon,
Please find the attached FOIA 2000 response.
Thanks and regards,
Date: 16/09/2022
Our Reference: FOIA-2022-082
RE: Your reques...
Dear Mr Sheppard,
Freedom of Information Act request – 889064.
Thank you for your information request dated 21st of August 2022.
Dear Mr Sheppard,
Please find attached my letter in response to your FOI request.
Yours sincerely,
Brian Young
Brian Young,
Professor of Intellect...
Dear Mr Sheppard,
Thank you for your recent request under the Freedom of Information Act
I have attached our response for your con...
Dear James Sheppard,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information Request, our reference
Please find attached our...
Please find attached a response to your correspondence.
This e-mail (and any...
Good Afternoon,
Thank you for your email dated 5 August 2022
It may assist you to note that this request has been received by the British Transport P...
Dear James Sheppard,
Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information
request (reference FOI2022/11351).
Yours sincerely,...
This person's 1 annotation
I closed this as "do not hold the information"since that's the response. It's surprising, and perhaps there will be a better response to a different b...