This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 171)
This list is not complete. The City of London Police have several contractors who have been employed there for several year both on the Help-desk and...
[1]Microsoft Office Word Document <<Copy of IT FOI 1011 099.xls>>
Katherine Dean
T: 020 8725 4699
Corporate Affairs Manager
E: [email address]...
Our Reference: 584327
Dear Mr. Connely,
Your request fo...
Dear Mr Connely
I am writing with some additional information that has been sent to me
since I responded to your FOI request on 31 August 2010....
Dear James,
Many thanks for your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act.
You requested information regarding I.T Procure...
Dear Mr Connely,
Please find attached our formal response to your request reference
10 FOI 109 under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Kind reg...
Dear James Connely
Following your Freedom of Information Request from 10 August 2010, please find the information as requested below.
I would like to...
Dear Mr Connely,
We refer to your inquiry dated 10 August and set out below our response to
your questions.
Yours sincerely,
[University of...
Dear Mr Connely,
Further to my part response to your FOI request provided on 22nd April
2010, I have now been provided with the following response f...
Dear Mr Connely,
Thank you for your recent request for information about the Council's IT
suppliers and the costs involved. I wish to apologise for...
I have just discovered, to my horror, that the attached information was
not sent to you when it was produced. Unfortunately we do not yet have
the info...
Dear James
Please find attached a structure chart received from our Business
Transformation and Technology service in response to your Freedom of
Dear James
I have followed up again - you should get an answer tomorrow.
NHS Luton
Nightingale House
94 Inker...
Dear Mr Connely
Reference No: RFI2010000179
Thank you for your request for information dated 12/03/2010 concerning
data already requested unde...
Dear Mr Connely
Access to Information - Purchases of IT hardware
I refer to your recent request for information made under the Freedom of
Dear Mr Connely
Thank you for your request for information which was received on 13th
March 2010. Please find our response to each of the question...
Mr. James Connely,
Please find attached a final letter regarding your recent Freedom of
Information request.
Many thanks
Debbie Williams
Dear Mr Connely
with reference to your recent Freedom of Information request to Greater
Manchester Police, re IT hardware, please find attached your...
Good Morning,
Thank you for your email below.
I have been advised that out of the corporate procurement team, any of those named below may be involved...
Dear Mr. Connely,
We apologise for the delay in responding to your Freedom of Information
request. The attached spreadsheet contains the information y...
Dear Mr Connely,
Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request.
Kind Regards,
Sharon Chapman
Secretary to the Bo...
Dear Mr Connely,
Please find below information in response to your Freedom of Information
Questions and answers (in red) below
Dear Mr Connely,
Thank you for your email of 24th March 2010.
My letter does state that the total spend on IT hardware during the past
Dear Mr Connely
Please find below the response to your questions regarding FOI request
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate...
Link: [1]File-List
Dear Mr Connely
Re- Your Request for Information (Ref 2009/GRA 665)
Further to your request under the Freedom of Informati...
This person's annotations
None made.