This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 243)
Dear J Taylor,
Re: Freedom of Information Request
Thank you for your request for information, which we received on 06.02.25,
our reference CS-0021...
Thank you for your information request.
If you have submitted a request for non-personal recorded information, it
will be dealt with under the Freed...
Dear J Taylor
Reference: FOI2024/01245
Our response to your above information request can be accessed by
following this link:
Dear J Taylor
Please find attached our response to your request for an internal review.
Yours sincerely
Jonathan Mantle (LLM Information R...
19 December 2024
Case Reference: IC-347453-R0L9
Dear J Taylor,
Please find attached our response to your information request of 30
November 20...
Dear Requester
Please find attached the response to your recent FOI request, thank you.
Kind Regards,
Jay McCutcheon
Freedom of Information Officer...
Good Afternoon,
Please see attached response to your information request.
Kind Regards
Katy Griffin
Rheolwr Rhyddid Gwybodaeth a Cydymffurfio | Fre...
Dear Taylor
Freedom of Information Act 2000 - information request
Thank you for your request for information. Your request has now been
Dear Mr/s Taylor,
Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request.
Reference - [FOI-00026260].
Kind regards,
Dear J Taylor,
I refer to your request of 26 October regarding when ORR became aware that
Network Rail had not complied with its own standards regar...
Dear J Taylor,
Please find attached our response to your request for information
reference FOI2024/00668.
Yours sincerely
Information Rights, BB...
Reference number: FOI202401126
Dear J Taylor
Please find attached a letter from Network Rail in response to your recent request for informa...
Dear J Taylor
Thank you for your email of 16 July with questions about smart motorways.
We have considered your request under the terms of the Fre...
Information request
Our reference: 7761645
Dear J Taylor
Thank y...
Please find attached
Cameron Hadwin / Senior Disclosure Assurance Officer / Central Disclosure Unit
Health & Safety Executive, Redgrave Court,...
Dear J Taylor
Thank you for your email of 27 April requesting:
• A summary of the effect that the resignations of Railway Safety
Dear J Taylor
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to c...
Dear J Taylor,
Please find attached our response to your request for information.
Kind regards,
Sabira Bukhari
J Taylor
[FOI #1091962 email]
Dear Mr Taylor,
Thank you for your request of 23rd February 2024 for information in
relation to provision or monitoring of toilet facilities on pa...
Reference Number: FOI-202300422
Please find attached a letter from Network Rail in response to your recent
request for information...
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information Request, our reference
Please find attached our respon...
Our Ref. FR08177
Dear J Taylor
Thank you for your email of 29 July 2023.
Your request has been handled under the Freedom of Infor...
Dear J Taylor
Unfortunately this is another FOI request that didn't reach our inbox and is likely stuck somewhere.
The EQIAs for the ticket office cl...
Dear J Taylor,
I write in response to your request dated 5^th July for a copy of the
position/policy of the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) in rel...
Dear Mr Taylor,
Thank you for your request. Our response is provided in the attached
Gary Menzies
Data Protecti...
This person's 25 annotations
NR have confirmed in a response that they did not follow normal processes when designing and constructing the new departure boards. However, they've re...
NR have confirmed in a response that they did not follow normal processes when designing and constructing the new departure boards. However, they've re...
Network Rail holds a report looking into whether all policies, procedures and technical standards were followed in relation to the new departure boards...
Network Rail holds a report looking into whether all policies, procedures and technical standards were followed in relation to the new departure boards...
It's also useful to look at the ICO's guidance on determining whether information is held, in particular the concept they use of "building blocks". The...
The ICO's guidance also explains that a question can be a valid request for information:
Section 11 FOIA gives people a legal right to request a summary of information, so the annotation above is not correct.
Section 11 can be viewed here...
I'd suggest asking the University if they've also considered the request under different legislation, the Environmental Information Regulations 2004....
Just to add that the redacted information above is available in the disclosed document and can be seen if you zoom in and out of the document. (It beco...
The redacted information includes the following things which might be of interest:
- One of the areas used for filming included a trench that was 2 f...
Might be worth looking at these disclosures for the cost of HCPC meals for staff:
Not sure why you've singled out this particular request for criticism. There are plenty of other trivial requests on this site, including annotations w...
Network Rail would not have read your annotation because What Do They Know annotations are not sent to the public authority. You'll need to send them a...
Actually, the original request seems to be very vaguely worded and it's not at all clear what recorded information is being sought.
The request start...
As the requester has made three requests on the same day for similar information, the authority will be entitled to aggregate all three requests when c...
As the requester has made three requests on the same day for similar information, the authority will be entitled to aggregate all three requests when c...
As the requester has made three requests on the same day for similar information, the authority will be entitled to aggregate all three requests when c...
Dotceny Obcan is Czech for "Concerned Citizen" - this can be checked through sites such as Google Translate.
There seems to be no difference between what the requester wants and the authority's response.
The requester says:" the request is about what you did...
Just trying to assist. Happy New Year to you too!
However, the ICO's guidance indicates that there are circumstances when a public authority can neither confirm or deny whether it holds the requested i...
The suggested approach of breaking the request into smaller parts would probably not be successful. The Information Commissioner's Office guidance advi...
Regulation 2(1)(f) is about "the state of human health and safety". The request relates to communications concerning "safety risk" at a level crossing,...
Actually the EIRs cover all the information listed in regulations 2(1)(a)-(f). It's possible that alterations to a level crossing may come under enviro...
Polly Burns - I think you should appeal this decision. Some of the senior employees' names are already in the public domain in the HCPC's annual report...