This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 26)
Thank you for your request. Please quote reference number 25403 in any future correspondence you may have with u...
Dear J Macdonald,
Please find attached our response to your freedom of information request.
For your convenience we have also attached documents req...
Here is your magic link:
If you're on a private device use this button
[1]remember me and collect safedrop!
This link is good until Thursday, 30 J...
Here is your magic link:
If you're on a private device use this button
[1]remember me and collect safedrop!
This link is good until Saturday, 25 J...
Thank you for your request for information, reference number 25084. Please quote this in any future correspondence you ma...
Good afternoon,
Please find attached the response to your request.
Copyright and re-use of information
Information for which the Council holds th...
Latest updates from NHS Open Space
Good morning J. MacDonald
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf of Norfo...
Good morning J. MacDonald (Mr)
Thank you for your email.
The Freedom of Information Act provides people with the right to seek
recorded in...
Dear Mr MacDonald
Further to the response sent to you yesterday, we have been contacted by our service area with additional information that should ha...
Dear Mr MacDonald
Thank you for your correspondence on 10 May 2022 where you requested an
Internal Review following your request for information abo...
Thank you for your request for information, reference number 21732. Please quote this in any future correspondence you ma...
Dear Mr MacDonald
Further to our emails below, please find attached the outcome of the
Initial Review of your request for information.
Dear Jamie MacDonald,
Cllr Caroline Topping has asked us to investigate why her name was
redacted from the minutes document we supplied with thi...
Good Morning,
Please see the attached 2018 Survey for the Patrick Stead Hospital.
Kind Regards,
Shannen Sparks | Senior Information G...
Reference number: FOI2021/01436
Dear J. MacDonald
Please find attached our response to your recent information request.
If you have any qu...
Dear Mr MacDonald
Thank you for your correspondence on 15 October 2021 where you requested
an Internal Review following your request for informa...
Dear Jamie MacDonald
Please find attached the response to your request. After receiving the
email that you had sent into response to Ben’s recent em...
Dear J MacDonald
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. My response is
Yours sincerely
Miss H Taylor
W: [1]https...
Dear Mr J MacDonald,
In response to your recently submitted FOI/EIR request, please find our
reply attached.
Copyright and re-use of infor...
Dear Mr Macdonald
Halesworth Playing Fields Association (HPFA) – Charity No. 304757
Halesworth Community Sport And Leisure – Charity No. 11...
Reference number: FOI2017/01141
Dear Mr MacDonald
Please find attached our response to your request for information, which I am sending on behalf of...
Reference number: FOI2017/00924
Dear Mr MacDonald
Please find attached a letter from Network Rail in response to your recent
request for infor...
Dear Mr MacDonald
Thank you for your e mail received 6^th March.
I am Andy Ashcroft, a Senior Manager in the Charity Commission’s
Permissions and...
Oh dear, I'm sorry – my apologises for all of this. Although I must say I was a little perplexed to see your email to the SRO on here – I'd presumed yo...
This person's 3 annotations
In which parish is this, please?
I am intrigued to know, too, what has happened to the council's 'disclosure log' of previous FOI/EIR responses that used to be available on their websi...
They seem suddenly to have reappeared, Robert. I had noticed they'd stopped publishing them online a few months ago, too.