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Printed from on September 12, 2024 13:28
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 4)
Dear Anna Batoryk,
Thank you for this reply. Perhaps you could now explain why my request about the design of road traffic humps in Wealdstone on 4th...
Dear I Corfield,
Many thanks for your email on 28 May 2019 in which you requested to see
the application with its supporting documentation and a...
Information request
Our reference: 2747395
Dear Mr. Corfield
What an amazing litany of incompetence from the Council. It appears those responsible for parking enforcement are too busy mugging the motorists of Har...
This person's 2 annotations
Interesting legal argument that the requests are not in "the spirit of the Act" and therefore the Council's requirement to provide information is overr...
I assume that the figures supplied by the Council refer to ALL the PCNs issued for 33B in the Borough, not those only concerning contraventions of the...