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Printed from on September 20, 2024 20:44
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 9)
Dear Helen
Please find below the response to your FOI:
1. The number of applicants and successful applicants
In October 2021 20 Biomedica...
Dear Ms. Kang,
With reference to your recent FoI request please see the link below:
Dear Helen,
This information is held by the University's Central Admissions team, and not the College.
Best wishes, Chris.
Taking into account biomedical sciences admissions data only, kindly provide the following:
- The number of applicants and successful applicants in t...
Dear St Catherine's,
Taking into account biomedical science applicants only, kindly provide the following statistics:
-The number of applicants and...
Dear Helen Kang,
This is in reply to your enquiry received by the College on 26 April 2022
and made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (F...
Dear Ms Kang
Thank you for your email. We do not offer biomedical sciences and so hold no such data.
James Lawrie
Taking into account biomedical science applicants only, kindly provide the following statistics:
-The number of applicants in the year 2021
-The av...
Dear Helen,
In response to your FOI request, the answers are as follows:
Applications considered by the college: 38
Average BMAT score of...
This person's annotations
None made.