This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 68)
Available data is published online.
Dear Ms Bowles,
Please find attached to this email a response to your Internal Review
request of 6th March 2018.
Kind regards,
Ms K Pearson
Dear Ms Bowles
I have reviewed as you requested the College’s handling of your recent FOI request.
The response which you have received was indeed s...
Dear Gwendolen,
We are unable to provide the data which you have requested as it is not available or cannot be relied upon.
The EOM form is voluntary...
A reply was made on 19.02.18.
Bowles FOI 23 01 18
Please could you provide me with some specific data from your Equal Opportunities Monitoring Forms
for the recruitment o...
Gwendolen, we have been able after some considerable effort to gather
information for the last three annual competitions and this is provided in
Dear Ms Bowles,
Please find attached a response to your FoI request.
Sheila Hunter
Bursar’s PA and Compliance Officer
Trinity Hall | Cambr...
Dear Ms Bowles,
Forgive the lateness of my reply.
Having looked into this matter, the number of EOM forms returned to the College in relation to JRF...
Dear Ms Bowles,
Please accept my apologies for the slow reply to your recent freedom of information request. Unfortunately, compiling this reply has i...
Dear Ms Bowles
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request seeking Equal
Opportunities information pertaining to the recruitment of Junior R...
To Gwendolen Bowles
By email: <[FOI #461242 email]>
Dear Gwendolen Bowles
Our ref: F2018-004 Junior Research Fellowship recruitment
I am responding...
Dear Gwendolen Bowles,
I refer to your Freedom of Information request dated 31st January 2018. I am the Freedom of Information Officer at Trinity Coll...
Dear Gwendolen,
I do apologise for the delay in replying to your Freedom of Information request sent on the 24th January.
Unfortunately our policy is...
Dear Gwendolen
Thank you for your query.
We do not use Equal Opportunities Monitoring Forms for the recruitment of
Junior Research Fellow...
Dear Ms Bowles,
Thank you for your request. We do not hold all of the information that you have requested. However we have the age and gender of appli...
Dear Gwendolen Bowles,
This is in reply to your enquiry received by the College on 30 January and
made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000...
Dear Gwendolen
Please find attached response to your FOI request.
Kind regards
Sharon Bentley
PA to the Bursar
Sidney Sussex College
Dear Gwendolen
Please find our response to your recent FOI attached.
Please accept our apologies for the late reply.
Kind regards
Sally Penton
Dear Gwendolen,
I attach the requested data.
Dear Gwendolen,
Last year was the first time we have appointed a JRF and the appointment was made by Churchill College on our behalf so unfortunately...
Dear Ms Bowles
Freedom of Information Act
Thank you for your email.
I enclose information from the last three years of Research F...
Dear Ms Bowles
Further to your Freedom of Information request of 29th January, I can
inform you that the information you have requested is not held b...
Dear Ms Bowles
I refer to your Freedom of Information request of 30 January requesting
specific data on the recruitment of Junior Research Fellows/P...
Dear Ms Bowles
With apologies; I have the answer ready to send on my computer at work but
was called out of the office on urgent business yesterday....
This person's annotations
None made.