This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 11)
Information request
Our reference: 53865381
Dear Guy Mayhew
Thank you for your email which has been received by Canterbury City
Council's Information Governance Service.
If you have submitted a Freedom of Info...
Information request
Our reference: 53807353
Dear Mr Mayhew
Dear Mr Maidman,
Thank you for your query.
To clarify, my request does not include contracts of employment with directly employed staff. However,...
Thank you for your request.
This request has been considered under the Environmental Information
Regulations 2004 (EIR2004), please see below f...
Request submitted direct to Canenco as suggested by CCC:
Indexed & consolidated version of response added to Internet Archive for readability:
Waste Collection and Street Cleansing (2013-2021):
Thank you for your request.
This request has been considered under the Environmental Information
Regulations 2004 (EIR2004).
Our response to you...
Deed of Gift:
Dear Guy,
Please find attached in response to your Freedom of Information request.
I trust that this addresses your enquiry.
If you are unhappy wit...
Dear Mr Mayhew,
Thank you for your request for information.
We don't hold the information you have requested, but I have performed a very quick searc...
This person's 4 annotations
Request submitted direct to Canenco as suggested by CCC:
Indexed & consolidated version of response added to Internet Archive for readability:
Waste Collection and Street Cleansing (2013-2021):
In response to my FOI request for the Contracts Register of Canterbury Environment Company (Canenco), Canterbury City Council (CCC) has stated that it...
Deed of Gift: