This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 64)
Dear Glenn,
Here is the information as requested for King Edward VI Grammar School, Chelmsford.
How many fire extinguishers do you have? 158
Who serv...
Good afternoon
Please find attached information as requested.
Kind regards,
Mrs Warren
Headteachers PA
The Warren School
Freedom of Information Req...
Thank you for your email - This will be passed on to the relevant area /
This e-mail / Fax has been sent from a device belonging to GLC,
Good morning,
There approximately 180 fire extinguishers in Communal areas Housing
Multi Alarms carry out the servicing once a year....
Dear Mr Martin,
Thank you for your request for information. In order for us to proceed with your request, please can you clarify what fire extinguishe...
We have 4 Fire extinguishers
Reliable Fire services operate our contract and service these regularly,
as required.
This is renewed september
Thank you for your email
As this information is all in the public forum I am not prepared to give my address or phone number, howev...
I am still awaiting reply to my foi request
How many fire extinguishers do you have
Who services your fire extinguishers?
Are you in a contract for...
DearWilliam Edwards School, Grays,
I am still awaiting a reply to my foi request
How many fire extinguishers do you have
Who services your fire ex...
I am still awaiting a reply to my foi request
How many fire extinguishers do you have
Who services your fire extinguishers?
Are you in a contract f...
Dear Glenn,
Please see below the answers to your questions:
How many fire extinguishers do you have
Who services your fire extinguishers?
Meyer F...
Just a reminder that I am still awaiting a reply to my foi request
Yours faithfully,
Please note as from 30th September 2018 this email box will be not
be monitored and cease to be used. Please contact the office at
[email address]...
Just a reminder that I am still awaiting a reply to my FOI request.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Glenn
Your request for information has now been considered and the information...
Dear Glenn
Your e-mail below has responded to our response, on the 3^rd of July at
14:20, with our reply to your FOI request attached.
Just a reminder that I am still awaiting a reply from my foi request.
Yours faithfully,
Just a reminder that I am awaiting your reply for my foi request.
Yours faithfully,
Just a reminder that I am awaiting a reply from my foi request which is now overdue.
I look forward to your swift response.
Yours faithfully,
Just a reminder that I am still awaiting a reply to my foi request and I await your timely reply
Yours faithfully,
Just a reminder that your response to my foi request is still outstanding and I look forward to a timely reply.
Yours faithfully,
Further to my a foi request, I am still awaiting a reply.
Yours faithfully,
In answer to your FOI request, please find the answers to your questions below:
Baron Fire
Rolling contract - March annually
Facilities Manager -...
We have some removed some spam messages that have snuck through onto this thread. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Martyn, vo...
This person's annotations
None made.