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Printed from on February 17, 2025 07:57
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 6)
Dear Mr Blund
Thank you for your recent enquiry.
Adult Social Care staff, including registered staff (social workers and
occupational ther...
Dear George Blund
We can confirm that the Council's Emergency Control Room is staffed by
Local Authority employees only and all staff have u...
Dear George Blund
Thank you for your email - we have received it and it has been allocated to the relevant department, we endeavour to responds within...
"All officers are SIA licensed and CRB checked."
Dear Mr Blund
Further to your recent Freedom of Information enquiry, please see Wirral
Council’s response below.
1, Could you please a...
Dear InfoMgr, FinDMT,
Thank you for your prompt reply .
Yours sincerely,
George blund
This person's 2 annotations
Worth mentioning that three out of the five new community patrol officers mentioned have left the authority as their 12 month funding finished. The rem...
As the community patrol team are to be reduced as a result of the budget cuts , any of the above during daylight hours will be reduced.