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Printed from on February 08, 2025 22:52
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 8)
Dear Ms Edlington,
Please find attached the response to your FOI request.
We apologise for the delay in our response and any inconvenience...
Our reference: FOI 3025 2023/24
Dear Gemma Edlington,
Thank you for your request for information. The Trust's response is
provided in the...
Dear Gemma
With regard to your request for information, please see the attached response letter.
Information governance team
Job descrip...
Dear Gemma
Please find enclosed herewith our response to your request for
information, made under the Freedom of Information Act.
Kind reg...
Dear Applicant,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information Ref: 8925
Further to your request for information made under the terms of...
Dear Gemma Edlington,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act request.
Imperial College does not have a Board/Trust Secretary. Information abo...
[1]Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Freedom of Information Request
Please see the attached Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Dear Gemma
Please find attached job description as requested.
Kind regards
Freedom of Information
Corporate Risk & Data Assurance Team
The Newcastle...
This person's annotations
None made.