This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 48)
These first 6 documents were part of what the public body originally sent, so we reuploaded them to the server as part of our efforts to preserve as mu...
I note they haven't yet sent requests 2 or 4? Did you get them yet?
TYPICAL sandwell homes these doc's simply do NOT exist and also the convenient emails that vanish are just standard hope you forget about it job ........
On 24 June 2011 the Information Commissioner found partly in my favour and ruled that DfID must release 64 of the 70 fields: http://thatsthewaythemoney...
Dear Mr Bacon
Please find attached DFID's response to your Freedom of Information
request of 20 May 2011 on the subject of evaluations.
Dear Christine Mackintosh,
Thank you. Please also pass on my thanks to other staff members who were involved in formulating the response.
Yours sin...
Articles based on the information released in this request have appeared in the press:
<<67113-IR-Francis Bacon-Response.v.1.1.pdf>>
Dear Mr Bacon,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Outcome of Internal Review
Please see the attached...
Dear Mr Bacon,
I write following your request dated 20 August 2010 (below) under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 for information about the UK Pub...
A technical issue has been identified involving emails been sent by...
Adam Waller from Cheltenham Borough Homes has been in touch by telephone. He says they have replied to this request.
We're investigating why the mess...
Dear Francis Bacon
I refer to your email dated 5 July requesting:
· Anti-social behaviour policy - this is attached
· Rent arrears policy a...
Dear Ms Illek
Please pass on my thanks to Ms Sanderson for this response.
It is a shame that this request had to go all the way to internal review...
Dear Francis,
Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act. Please
find our response attached.
Kind regards,
Joanne Priddy
Dear Francis,
Please find below links which will take you the documents you requested and are available on our website.
1) Anti Social behaviour Pol...
Dear Mr Bacon,
Further to my email today, I am pleased to provide you with a response to
your Internal Review request relating to a review of prison...
Dear Francis Bacon,
In response to your request for copies of our most recent version of our
rent setting policy and/or service charge policy, please...
Dear Mr Bacon
I attach the full policies as requested. Please note that information regarding rent setting is on page 10 of the Rent Arrears policy...
Dear Francis Bacon
Please find enclosed an electronic copy of our income management
strategy. You did not specify in your email what format you wa...
Dear Francis Bacon.
In response to your request:
1. Anti Social Behaviour Policy.
Although, under the Freedom of Information Regulations, I would be...
Please access the attached hyperlink for an important electronic communications disclaimer:
Dear Francis Bacon ,
According to our records, your enquiry NIC-45771-PSLKS has been resolved
and we have now closed our enquiry log.
If you req...
<<300410 F BACON F0003742 - SP ALLOCATIONS.doc>>
Dear Mr Bacon
Please see attached letter regarding your FOI request..
Carol Bailey
Dear Mr Bacon,
Please find attached link to the document you requested.
Andy Woodgate
IKS Advisor...
This person's 9 annotations
On 24 June 2011 the Information Commissioner found partly in my favour and ruled that DfID must release 64 of the 70 fields: http://thatsthewaythemoney...
It hardly seems credible that this would take more than 3.5 days to produce. I would request an internal review.
The proforma which relates to this request is here:
Michael Markham, Chief Executive of CPD Certification Services, is an LB Hillingdon councillor:
A complaint to the Information Commissioner about this request was sent on 24 Feb 2010. You can read the details here: http://thatsthewaythemoneygoes.b...
Following a telephone conversation with DCLG this request has been amended. They will provide the number of outcomes forms submitted, rather than the n...
This has been followed up by 3 smaller requests:
This has been followed up with a request for the project performance data here:
I've followed this up with another request:
To track this issue see my blog:...