This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 63)
(page 2)
Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response.
Information Compliance Office
University of Cambrid...
Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response.
Information Compliance Office
University of Cambrid...
Dear Flo
Thank you for your request for information from the University of
Sheffield. From consultation with colleagues in departments we felt most...
Dear Flo Marks,
FOI Request Reference – 2023/072
Thank you for your email of 02 March 2023 requesting information under the
Freedom of Inf...
Dear Flo,
I have contacted colleagues in the sections of the LSE likely to have information on Chinese Student and Scholar Associations/Chinese Schola...
Thank you for your email. Please note that the member of staff has left
the services of the College. Emails will be forwarded to the Academic
Dear Flo
Freedom of Information request reference L/23/090
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request.
The University of Leeds aims to...
Information request
Our reference: 1718993
Dear Flo Marks
Information Governance
Information Governance
Dear Ms Marks
Please find attached correspondence relating to your Freedom of
Information request.
With kind regards
Dear Flo,
With regard to your recent request for information, please see attached
for our response.
Thank you,
Declan McAlister
Dear Flo
Please find, attached, our response to your recent request for
Best wishes
From: Flo Marks <[FOI #...
Our ref. F683
Dear Flo Marks
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request
of 6 September 2022.
Kind re...
Dear Ms Marks,
I am writing in response to your enquiry dated 6^th September 2022
requesting information about The Natural History Museum.
Dear Flo Marks
Please see the attached letter in response to your recent information request.
Yours sincerely
Lizzie Westbrook
Information Governanc...
Good Morning,
Please find attached the information you requested.
Kind regards,
FOI Team |
Rhif elusen | Charity numb...
Dear Flo Marks,
Thank you for your information request.
The attached document ‘V&A in China’ includes details of activities which
the V&A...
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Please provide all information held by your institution related to any relationships between your institutio...
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Please provide all information held by your institution related to any relationships between your institutio...
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Please provide all information held by your institution related to any relationships between your institutio...
Dear Flo Marks,
Please find attached Tate's response to your request for information under
the Freedom of Information Act (our reference #974)...
Dear Flo,
Thank you for your request for information received by The University of
Manchester on 9 March 2022 which was as follows:
The ‘M...
Dear Flo Marks,
Thank you for contacting the FOI team.
I have attached a copy of the response sent on the 9th March.
We hope this satisfies your req...
Dear Flo Marks,
Good Afternoon,
In response to your request for information relating to levels of Asian
representation in our national mus...