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Printed from on February 14, 2025 15:39
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 11)
(Email sent on behalf of Paul Clark, College Secretary)
Dear Ms Highwater
Request for Information
Ref No: 06 16-17
Thank you for yo...
Awaiting classification
Good morning
Please find attached the College’s response to your FOI request.
Kind regards
Jill Scott
Glasgow Kelvin College
+44 (0)141 6...
Dear Ms Highwater
Please see attached the response from Ayrshire College to your Freedom of Information request received on 20 September 2016.
Email sent on behalf of Brian Hughes, Vice Principal: Curriculum and
External Relations
Dear Ms Highwater
In response to your FOI requ...
Awaiting classification
Dear Ellen Highwater
Thank you for your request for an Internal Review of your request for information.
Our Internal Review has concluded that your r...
Dear Ms Highwater
I can confirm that the Edinburgh College Development Trust is an independent, arms-length charity and not a subsidiary of Edinburgh...
Awaiting classification
Dear Ms Highwater,
Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act
Please find below responses to your qu...
Hi Ellen,
West College Scotland holds no information in relation to Ayrshire College Foundation and we are therefore not able to provide the informatio...
Dear Ms Highwater
I refer to your email dated 22 September 2016, received by Fife College on 23 September 2016, requesting information under the Freed...
Awaiting classification
Dear Ms Highwater
Thank you for your Freedom of Information requested dated 22 September 2016.
West Lothian College would like to advise you that the...
Can you please provide details of all remuneration (salary and/or fees), annual sums and pension premiums paid to all Trustees/Members of the Foundatio...
This person's annotations
None made.