This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 217)
Response CCDG018
Please see below our response to the foi request for the following
Can you please provide the amount of enquiries ma...
Dear E.G. Douglass
Please find enclosed the response to your Freedom of Information request
regarding the Welsh Government Envoys.
Kind re...
Dear E G Douglass,
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act, received on 7 February 2024.
Please f...
Dear E G Douglass
Please accept my sincerest apologies for the delayed response to your
request for information dated 5 October 2023. The email...
Dear E G Douglass,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request dated 10^th October 2023
and please accept our sincere apologies for the de...
Dear Mr/Ms Douglass
We refer to your Freedom of Information Request in respect of Emergency
Social Housing Spend over the last three financial years...
If you have received this email in error, please notify us and delete it
from your computer immediately.
FOI / EIR Request
Our reference: 817186...
Revised 2022 figure is £522,000
From: John Webster
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2023 2:01 PM
To: [FOI #1036487 email]
Subject: Freedom of Info...
Good Morning,
Please see attached response to your information request.
Kind Regards
Katy Griffin
Rheolwr Rhyddid Gwybodaeth a Cydymffurfio |...
Dear Mr Douglass
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information
Act, please find...
Dear E G Douglass
Please find attached a response in relation to your recent Freedom of
Information request.
Yours Sincerely
Equality an...
Good morning,
We have checked with the relevant department who have confirmed that we
have not spent any monies on temporary emergency social ho...
Dear E G Douglass
Thank you for your request for information received on 10 October 2...
Annwyl Mr Douglas
Rydym wedi atodi ymateb i’ch cais : FOI20262.
Os ydych yn anfodlon ar ymateb y Cyngor mae gennych hawl i ofyn am
adolygiad mewno...
Dear E G Douglass
Thank you for your request for information regarding Emergency Social Housing spend which we received on the 10th of October 2023....
Dear Rhyddid Gwybodaeth,
I am looking for the amount spent on temporary social housing e.g B&B's, hotels.
Yours sincerely,
E G Douglass
Emma Palmer, Director Rheoli Gwybodaeth/
of Corporate Services Information Compliance
/ Cyfarwyddwr Neuadd Y Sir / County Hall
Gwasanaethau Spa Road...
Dear Sir/Madam,
I refer to your request for information, which was received on 10th October, 2023 and has been dealt with under the Freedom of Inform...
Dear E G Douglass
Please find attached a response to your recent FOI request.
Yours sincerely
Information Rights Unit | Correspondence and Inform...
Dear E G Douglass
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act, received on 11^th September 2023.
Please a...
Dear E G Douglass
We refer to your email dated 10^th October 2023 which contained a request
Dear E G Douglass,
Thank you for your recent request for information which I have enclosed
below for ease of reference. Your request has been tr...
Dear E G Douglass
Please find attached our response to your request for information.
FOI Officer
Thank you for your enquiry.
The 15% Barnett needs factor has not been triggered since the Fiscal Framework was agreed. As noted in the Fiscal Framewor...
Dear EG Douglass
Thank you for your request for information received
10/10/2023 concerning Emergency Social Housing (Emergency Temporary
This person's annotations
None made.