This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 41)
So Mick Martin was suddenly made deputy ombudsman in the month that a tribunal judge criticised him for the sex-text cover up.
.....In a case, for wh...
Dear E Colville
Your information request (FDN-245557)
I am writing in response to your email of 15 January 2016 in which you
asked for ‘al...
My 10 year complaint is deemed "historic" and I believe with the PHSO Customer Care Team (do they?)
Dear Ms Colville
Your information request (FDN-245090)
I am writing further to your information request of 13 January 2016, in
which you a...
Dear Ms Colville
Follow-up to your information request (FDN-243657)
Further to my response of 20 January December 2015, please see the
Dear Ms Colville
Your information request (FDN-244153)
I am writing further to your request of 30 December 2015, in which you
asked for in...
Dear E. Colville,
Freedom of Information Request F15-601
Thank you for your request for information as copied below. You asked for
Little did we realise that the Labour MP's words in 1999 would still ring true today;
"However, it is also a source of regret—even shame—for the Hous...
Dear Ms Colville,
Your information request (FDN-228929)
Further to my previous email, the password to access the Case Assessment...
As you've pointed out...yet another 'gamed' request...
A lot of responses now seem designed to deliberately avoid answering the request.
And when...
Dear Ms Colville
Your information request – our reference: FDN 226855
I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information request dated...
The previous Ombudsman managed to take a holiday Bermuda.
And combine a taxpayer paid - for trip with a holiday.
Dear Mr Colville,
Thank you for your message. I am the secretary to the Criminal Procedure Rule Committee.
I attach a copy of the Committee paper whi...
Dear E Colville,
Many thanks for your recent FOI request. The response is attached.
best wishes,
Data Access and Compliance Unit | Communica...
Dear Sir or Madam,
Re: Freedom of Information request (Our Ref: SDR – 325948)
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request...
Our Ref: CQC IAT 1415 0476
Dear D Speers
I write in response to your correspondence dated 17 September 2014 in
which you requested informa...
The response to my request has been delayed. By law, DFID should normally have responded promptly and by 3 October 2014.
You are asked to give this...
Please find attached the reply to your recent FOI request
FOI Team
1 Horse Guards Road
SW1A 2HQ...
D.Speers here....I have let WDTK know about this mix up and I am trying to get it sorted.
I am closing this request which DFID have failed to respond to in breach of the law. The Information Commissioner has advised that:
"Due to the ti...
Dear FOI Team - Cabinet Office [Restricted],
This is a polite further reminder that you have not yet responded to my follow-up correspondence dated 2...
Thank you for your e-mail to the Parliamentary and Health Service
Ombudsman. This return e-mail shows that we have received your
I wonder whether the acclaimed French Investigatory Judge Eva Joly would also have considered my requests in pursuit of truth to be "vexatious" ? http...
On 7th April 2014 DFID indirectly refused this FOI request invoking a s.14 (1) (vexatious) exemption. They did so when responding to their Internal Rev...
Steve Brown
Head of Risk and Assurance
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
E: [email address]
W: [1]
This person's 203 annotations
S. Potter
This information may be of assistance:
Touchstone Finance System - Case Study PHSO -
The record shows that PACAC ordered to be published on 12/1/2016 not 6 but 7 detailed supplementary evidence submissions (PAR 59-65) pur...
Left wondering what were the 28 missing submissions PACAC chose not to publish?
Deduced from the fact there are "37 items" published from a sequenc...
The link you provided shows that the last evidence submissions "ordered to be published" by PACAC on...
The link provided to the PHSO Third Supplementary Memorandum to PASC (26 January 2000) appears to be broken. Here it is again:
I raised questions about this in my now withdrawn evidence submission to the 2015 PACAC inquiry into the work of the PHSO. I withdrew it on principle...
According to the PACAC inquiry website the date PACAC "ordered to be published" PHSO's evidence dated "December 2015" to PACAC's 2015 scrutiny of PHSO...
Coin: By way of response to your observation and question that:
"..the PHSO is nothing but an administrative masquerade, what concerns me is how com...
This information request is linked to the background information forming the basis of a separate request to the House of Commons: https://www.whatdothe...
The background to my request is premised on a review of the parliamentary record including the following information (emphasis added):
On 18 October...
Regarding the important issues you raise D. Moore you might want to read the first six pieces of highly relevant evidence so far accepted and published...
There must be an assumption that since 2000 PHSO have developed a world class time-recording system following initial introduction of time-recording i...
Interesting to note at Q5 of the Government's Response to the Consultation on PSO Reform, issued yesterday..
"...the Scottish Public Services Ombudsm...
Interesting to note at Q5 of the Government's Response to the Consultation on PSO Reform, issued yesterday..
"...the Scottish Public Services Ombudsm...
Presumably by way of response to this request reliance can be placed on a former Ombudsman's evidence to Parliament of 5 November 2009 . Ann Abraham a...
It strikes me that your complaint about PHSO disclosure to the public body complained about of your entire application and confidential supporting docu...
Some interesting observations on HC debates on the Parliamentary Ombudsman in this 1999 debate:
PHSO responses to this request appear to be inconsistent with information given to Lord Lester in 2003.
Mrs Picking: For the avoidance of any potential disappointment in your dealings with the Ombudsman, you may want to consider the information set out he...
"I consider this matter to be so serious, the deliberate and wilful
attempt to mislead the public, that I will submit details of this
request as evid...
I meant to underline in my last annotation the bizarre view that it was and still may be considered that there would to be "no human story" about PHSO...
I absolutely agree with you CA Purkis where you write:
"This organisation is in no way shape or form, doing what it was set up to do. ….The ONLY wa...
With apologies JT Oakley for not having been more attentive in following this request.
PHSO's responses contradict information they disclosed to me...
On the "failed experiment" that is PHSO and muddled-headed debates in Parliament (late at night) on the new institution of Parliamentary Ombudsman see...
See Government paper: Guide to Handling Parliamentary Ombudsman Cases:
"16. ….Information about the complaint should be disclosed only to the extent...