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Printed from on January 12, 2025 20:21
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 9)
Dear Dylan,
Please find attached the University’s response to your request below for
information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act...
Dear Dylan
Please see attached a response to your FOI request.
For clarity, the information provided relates to MSc Advanced Computer
Science modul...
Dear Dylan Richardson,
FOI Request Reference – 2021/110
Thank you for your email of 13 April 2021 requesting information under the
Dear Information Compliance Team,
I'd like to refine my request to the following :
I'd like to request the percentage with each degree classificat...
Dear Mr Richardson,
Freedom of Information Request (our reference FOI21-213)
We refer to your Freedom of Information request dated 13^th Ap...
Dear Dylan,
Thank you for your request for information received by The University of
Manchester on 13 April 2021 which was as follows:
I a...
To Dylan Richardson,
Please find your response attached [1]here.
Kind Regards
Freedom of Information
University of Southampton
Dear Dylan,
Please find attached your response.
Kind regards,
Business Assurance
Information Compliance
5th Floor
James Clerk Maxwell Buildi...
Dear Mr Richardson
Thank you for your request for information below which the University of
Birmingham is processing under the terms of the Freed...
This person's annotations
None made.