This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 14)
Dear Mr Watt
Following our response to your recent Freedom of Information request,
please find the weblink to view the accredited domiciliary/suppor...
Please find attached our response to FOI Request No. 4758
<<FOI 10-09-12 Mr D Watt_(HF000003579806)>>
Kindest regards,
Leanne Groom
Legal Secret...
Dear Mr Watt
I will be dealing with your request for an internal review. I apologise
for the delay, unfortunately the solicitor who was originally a...
<<Watt foi breakdown of hours 4747_(HF000003509975).doc>> <<2012-08-17 -
Watt FOI 4747 - Letter to Mr Watt_(HF...
Dear Mr Watt
Please find attached our reply to your FOI request. We apologise for the
delay in replying to you.
Dear Mr Watt
Please find attached appendix 1. Please accept our apologies for this not being sent with the response.
Kevin Purvis...
Dear Mr Watt
With reference to your email to my colleague Mrs Hate Hume-Smith, attached
is clarification from Hampshire County Council to the point...
Dear Mr Watt
Thank you for your email of 23 August 2011 where you requested information about payments to GP, dental, optician practices and pharmacie...
Ref A: My FOI request dated 3/6/2011 (YOUR FOI3776)
Ref B: Letter by Kevin Purvis dated 22/7/2011
Ref B refused most aspects of Q1-Q3 of the origina...
Ref A: My FOI request dated 3/6/2011 (YOUR FOI3776)
Ref B: Letter by Kevin Purvis dated 22/7/2011
Ref B refused most aspects of Q1-Q3 of the origina...
Ref A: My FOI request dated 3/6/2011 (YOUR FOI3776)
Ref B: Letter by Kevin Purvis dated 22/7/2011
Ref B refused Q1-Q3 of the original request at Ref...
Ref A: My FOI request dated 3/6/2011 (YOUR FOI3776)
Ref B: Letter by Kevin Purvis dated 22/7/2011
Ref B refused most aspects of the original request...
Ref A: My FOI request dated 3/6/2011 (YOUR FOI3776)
Ref B: Letter by Kevin Purvis dated 22/7/2011
Ref B refused most aspects of the original request...
This person's 2 annotations
At 1.11 links to the equalities assessment for EDCM, Contract negotiations and Negotiation teams and domiciliary care providers in Hampshire with busin...
Response is only regarding Children's services not Adult Services as additionally requested.
Resposne is that they do not hold the requested informat...