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Printed from on October 05, 2024 00:55
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 10)
Please feel free to re-send this request to
NIAS REF: AD/IG/01(2)/113
Good Afternoon Mr van Eyck
The Northern Ireland Ambulance Service HSC Trust has now completed its
search for...
Dear Mr van Eyck
Further to your Freedom of Information Request received on 2 September 2014, please find attached the Northern Trust's response.
Dear Mr Van Eyck
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2014090000260
I write in connection with your request for information which was recei...
Dear David
Please find the attached letter in response to your request for information under FOI 9510.
LorraineT Bell...
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Dear Sir,
The NI Guardian ad Litem Agency received your FOI request last night. Normally when we receive such a request we would ask the individual to...
Thank you very much for your speedy response, I shall have a look at the links your forwarded posthaste.
Yours sincerely,
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[1]FOI requests at Clinical Research Support Centre (Northern Ireland)
([Clinical Research Suppor...
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