This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 266)
The link to the information is a dead link.
Can you please provide the details as requested.
Dear Mr Payne
Thank you for your recent request. The University is assuming that you are requesting the salary of the most senior member of staff at t...
Dear Mr Payne
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request.
Please find below the College's response to your questions.
"Please provide...
Dear Mr Payne
In response to your recent Freedom of Information request please note the
following response from Norwich University of the Arts:
Dear Mr Payne
Please accept my apologies for the delay in sending this to you. Our response to your request is attached.
Yours sincerely
Tristram Wa...
Thank you for your FOI request.
Information about the emolument of Bucks New University senior post holders and members can be found in the Un...
Dear Mr Payne
Further to my previous e mail please see the figures below:
2006 £176,000 Pension Contribution £24,000
2007 £187,000 Pension Contribut...
Dear Mr Payne,
With reference to your FOI request below, I am able to confirm the Vice-Chancellor's salary from 2004 to present. Unfortunately, we are...
Dear Mr Payne
As I have not received a response to my request for clarification of your
Freedom of Information request dated 19 April 2016, the...
Dear Mr Payne
I write further to your request for information, below, made on 19 April
2016 under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, a...
Dear Mr Payne
Please find below the University's response to your recent request for information:
The University publishes remuneration for senior st...
FOI Reference: 0099/2016
Date: 18/05/2016
Dear Daniel
Thank you for your recent information request.
Please find attached the following documents;...
Ref: UHRFI001941
Dear Daniel,
Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
Following your request for informatio...
Dear Daniel Payne
Please find attached the response to your request for information.
Kind regards
Janine Wright
Interim Freedom of Information and Da...
Dear Mr Payne,
Following your request of 12 April 2016, and your clarification...
Dear Mr Payne,
Your request for information has now been considered and our response is provided in the attached document.
Yours sincerely
Ms Tracey...
Dear Mr Payne
I am writing further to your request for information regarding our Vice-Chancellor's annual salary and remuneration. A search of our ele...
Dear Daniel Payne,
This is a response to your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act. Please see the attached file for in...
Dear Daniel,
Further to my acknowledgement, please find attached the response from the University of Chichester to your below Freedom of Information r...
Dear Mr Payne
Please find attached a spreadsheet providing the information requested.
Kind regards
Royal Agricultural University FOI
If you are un...
Dear applicant
Thank you for your information request regarding 'HE pay' dated the 19^th
April 2016.
We are governed by a [1]Principal and...
The response to your request is attached.
Ref. FOI/ 2015 / Apr DATE \@ "d MMMM yyyy" 17 May 2016 Reply to request for information under Freedom...
Dear Mr Payne,
Thank you for your email of 19 April 2016 requesting information about the
salary of the Director of the University since 2000. P...
Dear Mr Payne
Please find attached our response to your request.
Freedom of Information Officer
Leeds Trinity University
Brownberrie Lane...
Dear Mr Payne
In response to your FOI request below, please find detailed below the
Director's annual salary details from 2004-2005 to 2006-2007. Th...
This person's 3 annotations
Sent a chaser email to their reception email address.
Sent a chaser today to their FOI general inbox.
I have contacted the general reception email address, drawing their attention to this request and prompting them for a response.