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Printed from on February 18, 2025 20:09
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 6)
This would seem rather unfair and place the public at a disadvantage when it comes to information asymmetry .
Dear D Gold,
Thank you for your enquiry on Nascot House/Farm which has been passed to the museum.
Nascot House or Farm are the same site, it was or...
Dear D Gold
Your Freedom of Information Act request for information about householder
rear extensions was received by the Council on 19 May 2014....
How very efficient of you with coming back with this information within a few days. Thank you.
Dear D. Gold
TfL Ref: FOI-1569-1112
Thank you for your e-mail received by Transport for London (TfL) on 6
February 2012 asking fo...
Dear Sir / Madam
Further to your email below, our response is as follows:
1. The names and locations of practices that were removed in 2...
This person's 5 annotations
This would seem rather unfair and place the public at a disadvantage when it comes to information asymmetry .
How very efficient of you with coming back with this information within a few days. Thank you.
Chris - are you planning to develop or improve an iphone app with this data? :-)
Gary - you are really are a SAD human being. What kind of lame questions do you post to your local council. Have you really nothing better to do with...
Awaiting internal review
How dumb are you? Do you not have the mental ability to read a few sentences together just because its not broken down for you? Do you need a line by l...