This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 127)
Dear Chris Lehmann
We refer to your request for information made under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. Your request has been considered an...
Information request
Our reference: 6866397
Dear Mr Lehman
Thank you...
FOI 9143290
Dear Cris Lehmann,
I am writing in regard to your request for information below. I note from
our records that the response to your re...
Please find below a response to your recent FOI request which has been
logged as 8781. This request has been dealt with in accordance with the
Dear Cris
Re: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000 response
Thank you for your request for information of (04/01/2022). You have
Dear Mr Cris Lehmann,
Please see response to your FOI request.
Kind Regards
FOI Team
Privacy Notice
We take your privacy se...
Information request
Our reference: 2934470
Do it online at [3]
To sign up for regular news updates, please go to
Dear Cris Lehmann,
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request ref: LBH/11975422
Thank you for your request for information received on 04 January 2...
Dear Cris Lehmann
REF NO:017214
I am writing to c...
Dear Mr Lehman
Re SFOI-011477
Thank you for contacting South Holland District Council with your Freedom
of information request.
Information request
Our reference: 6866313
Information Management Team
FOI Reference: 6866313
Email: [Hackney Borough Council request email]
Dear Cris Lehmann
FOIK1207 (please quote in correspondence)
I acknowledge your requ...
Information request
Our reference: 1478581
Your reference: [FOI #819163 email]
Cris Lehmann
3rd Floor, 7 Newington Barrow
Dear Cris Lehmann,
With reference to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000,
please find Mendip District Council’s reply to the...
Dear Cris Lehmann
I refer to your request dated 8 November 2021 under the Freedom of
Information Act asking to supply the following information...
Dear Cris Lehmann,
Freedom of Information Request ENQ-516943-P9R7K0
I refer to your request for information dated 10 October 2021.
Dear Cris
Please see the attached response to the above Freedom of Information request.
Kind regards
Freedom of Information
Website address
Please find attached the response for your recent Freedom of Information request
Many thanks,
Trish Taylor
Secretarial Support Officer
T: 01283 59589...
This is only an automated message and confirmation that we have received
your email.
This mailbox is primarily used for Freedom of Information (...
Dear Daria
Thanks for getting back to me with this information.
It's much appreciated.
Have a great week
Yours sincerely,
Cris Lehmann
Dear Cris
Thank you for your request for information regarding ‘Current Business Expense Management Process’ (reference number 07812); Please see our...
Bedford BC - OFFICIAL-Unsecure
Dear Cris,
Request pursuant to Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request No.18126
I refer to your rece...
Reference: FOI-370747164
Date of request: 11/10/2021
Title of request: Information Request re. the Current Business Expense
Management Process Mid S...
Reference: FOI-370497367
Date of request: 11/10/2021
Title of request: Business Expense Management Process
Information request:
1. Name, p...
Dear Cris
I refer to your Freedom of Information request to which I am now in a
position to respond on behalf of South Norfolk Council. My respons...
This person's annotations
None made.