Freedom of Information requests made by this person
This person has made no Freedom of Information requests using this site.
This person's 21 annotations
"Expect a long delay for any ICO review of this request."
You got that right!
However, I'm not seeing any attachment on this email? It's just a blank...
As a sender of a reasonable amount of email, you should get added to the DNSWL, which will give you a few negative SpamAssassin points: http://www.dnsw...
Have there been any updates since?
The Land Registry have considered this matter closed for the past two months.
What are you hoping to achieve by sending their Freedom of Information...
You provide info stating "a reasonable time for completing an internal review is 20 working days from the date of the request for review," however it h...
Oh yes, consider me enlightened.
"I can confirm that Land Registry does not supply 'forged maps' to the public" seems pretty clear given the assumptions that the Land Registry had to m...
I wasn't adding any new information, I was just repeating what the Ordnance Survey wrote to you.
I believe the point is that they do not hold informa...
Does this as well as the OS-provided link not provide the information you are looking for?
"The detail referred to could be either a wall, fence, or...
The question (or statement) was:
"Will you confirm or deny under the freedom of Information Act that the Registry supplies forged maps to the public."...
£12,000 per request does sound like rather a lot, but would I guess that it's set at this level to keep the number of requests made from commercial org...
For a large organisation like HMRC, I would have thought that all web access would go through a central proxy/cache server, which would log web request...
Be careful (or patient!); you already have an very similar outstanding request with the Charity Commission, and someone else has filed an almost word-f...
SL95 appears to be the postcode for Royal Mail's Heathrow Worldwide Distribution Centre.
Did you follow this up with Central Scotland Police at all?
I guess not via this site, according to:
James, you can automatically be notified of changes (via email or RSS) by using the links at the top right of each request page.
"We have evidence that you are using a pseudonym and this renders the request invalid."
What a strange response. Even their FoI site that they refer...
Though it's a bit scary to see BTP using like that. I wonder how much spam gets sent through that script? Should I submit a Fo...
Based on this and previous replies, it sounds like the FoI contact held by WhatDoTheyKnow isn't quite correct.
It's a little unfair to overlook the pertinent part of the force's rejection, i.e. that they don't respond to requests for "explanation or opinion."...