This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 62)
As requested previously. Please can you send through your agency spend for 21/22 broken down by department and agency.
Yours faithfully,
As requested previously. Please can you send through your agency spend for 21/22 broken down by department and agency.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Charlotte
Please see attached in response to your request. I can confirm that all
costs related to our Education team and related to temporar...
Dear Charlotte,
Further to my previous, email, please see below in response to your
As requested please see below, all staff were...
Dear Charlotte,
Thank you for your request which was received on 4^th June 2021. We
provided you with the attached response on 1^st July 2021 wi...
Reminder to please send through your agency spend for 20/21 split by agency and department.
Yours faithfully,
Reminder to please send through the agency spend for temporary and permanent recruitment as this is not yet been received.
Yours faithfully,
Good morning,
Please find below response to your Freedom of Information Request:
To date:
Lecturers – £350,033.69
Business Support - £1,275,174...
Dear Ms Wilson,
I am writing further to my email of 14 June 2021, where you requested the
following information:
'Can you provide a breakd...
Hi Charlotte,
Please see below FOI question from your email dated the 4^th June 2021,
the answer to that question is highlighted in blue.
Dear Charlotte
Please find attached the information you requested.
Best regards
Data Protection Team
Staff Costs
Row Labels
Dear Charlotte
Please see the below for the SMB Group
Assessor Temp Dovetail & Slate 13,674.00
Lecturer Temp Dovetail...
Dear Charlotte
Further to your freedom of information request sent to Neil Thomas, please
find attached information as requested.
Kind reg...
Dear Charlotte,
Thank you for your FOI request regarding recruitment and agency spend for
East Surrey College, which we received on 04 June 2021...
Dear Charlotte
Thank you for your e-mail dated 2 June 2021 containing a request under the
Freedom of Information Act 200 (“FOIA”) for informatio...
Dear Charlotte,
I write further to our exchange of emails below.
In answer to your query, I can confirm that the total spend year to date as of yeste...
Please find our response to your request for information attached.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This e-mail message is intended to be received only by
Good afternoon Charlotte
I can confirm that the response has now been uploaded.
Good afternoon Charlotte
I can confirm that the response has now been uploaded.
Dear Charlotte,
Please find attached the information from your Freedom of Information
Jake Greathead
Curriculum &...
Please find attached info as requested.
Jude Leeming
HR Director
Dear Charlotte
Thank you for your request for information that you sent to the College on
04^th June 2021. You asked:
“Can you provide a b...
Dear Charlotte
I refer to your recent request received under the Freedom of Information Act and am now pleased to provide the below response
Dear Charlotte Wilson
Thank you for your request for information dated 7 June 2021 concerning Abingdon and Witney College. This request is being handl...
Dear Charlotte
Please find attached Walsall College's response to your Recent Freedom of Information Request, regarding the College's agency spend for...
This person's annotations
None made.