This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 33)
Dear Carol
Information attached.
Best wishes
Good Afternoon,
I acknowledge the receipt of your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act.
Under Section 1(3) of the Freedom of...
Dear Carol Marshall
Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
In response to your request for information received...
Dear Ms Marshall,
Further to your request for information below (Ref FOI 2988), please find attached the University's response.
Yours sincerely,...
Dear Ms Marshall
Please find attached our response to your request.
Freedom of Information Officer
Leeds Trinity University, Horsforth, L...
Please see answers in red below
Dear Ms Marshall,
Please find attached our response to your recent FOI request.
Kind regards
Leanne Mcghee
Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundat...
Dear Carol,
Thank you for your email.
Please find attached our response.
Best wishes,
Data Protection and Freedom of Informatio...
Dear Carol,
This email sets out the University’s response to your request for
information. It has been processed in accordance with the requirem...
Hello Carol,
Before we can fully complete and send back the FOI requested, we have clarification that requires answering. Please note that the FOI wil...
I would like to request information under the Freedom of Information Act. The information that I require relates to the telephony and video conferencin...
Dear Carol
Please find attached our response to your request.
Kind Regards
Simon Horsfield
Information Officer
Legal and Governance Services...
Dear Ms Marshall
Thank you for your FOI request (see email below).
Please find below, response on behalf of Blackpool and The Fylde College:
Dear Carol Marshall,
Thank you for your request for information relating to Telephony and video
conferencing/meeting space solutions which we re...
[1]Cheshire East New Logo
Date: 3 May 2023
Our Reference: 19657843
Dear Carol Marshall
Thank you for your request for infor...
Date: 02/05/2023
Reference: FOI 18270
Dear Carol Marshall,
Re: Request for information under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000
In response t...
Dear Carol Marshall,
Please see response to your request.
Kind regards Justin
Justin Hird Legal Assistant | Legal and Democratic Services | Corpo...
Dear Ms Marshall
I am writing to respond to your recent request for information. This
request has been handled under the Freedom of Information Ac...
Dear Carol Marshall
Thank you for your request for information.
Please find information provided by the relevant service below.
1.Hardware Brand: Th...
Information Governance
Hi Carol,
Thank you for your FOI request.
Please find attached our response.
Any issues please do not hesitate to contact us...
I would like to request information under the Freedom of Information Act. The information that I require relates to the telephony and video conferencin...
Dear Ms Marshall,
Please find attached our response in relation to your recent request.
Kind regards,
Helen Ambler
Information Gove...
Dear Carol Marshall
Please find attached the reply to your request for information on
Telephony and Video Conferencing/Meeting Space Solutions U...
Dear Carol Marshall,
Re: Freedom of Information Request MVWYZYAEL.
I refer to your correspondence to the council and your request for the
This person's annotations
None made.