This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 96)
Dear Mr Waring,
Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
We refer to your request for information made under the provision...
Good Morning Bobby,
Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
We are in the process of gathering the information for you and...
Dear Bobby
Thank you for your request for information, which was received on 11 July 2016.
You asked for the following information :
Please co...
Dear Bobby,
Further to your freedom of information request, your response is attached.
Thanks, Mollie
In the last 3 years we have dealt...
Morning B Waring,
Please find below the answer to your request.
Overall Staff Turnover = 27.78%
Staff Retention = 33.33%
Total number of leavers i...
Dear Bobby Waring
Thank you for your request for information, which was received on 05/10/2015 00:00 . Your request was as follows:
I would like deta...
Dear Mr Waring
In response to your freedom of information request on 5 October, I can
confirm the following:
We do have Employers' Liability Insur...
Dear Mr Waring
We have Employers' Liability Insurance with the Education Practice from
Marsh until 31 December 2015. The limit of indemnity is £10,...
Dear Bobby,
Please be advised that Garstang Community Academy has unlimited Employers’ Liability Compulsory Insurance through the Governments' RPA sche...
Dear Elizabeth Haddock,
Thank you
Yours sincerely,
Dear Elizabeth Haddock,
Many thanks for your assistance and taking the time to respond to my request.
• There are no permanent exclusions
• The school does record internal exclusions (isolations) on a system called IRIS for all parents to view.
• Scho...
Please find attached.
Rachel Tomlinson
01282 615644
From: Bobby <[FOI #258974 email]>
Dear Mr Waring
Please find attached our response to your request for information.
Best wishes
Kerry McTear
Kerry McTear
Dear Mr Waring,
Thank you for your request for information, which was received on 30 April 2014.
You requested the information about the budget requ...
Dear Mr Waring
Lancashire County Council does not hold the information you are seeking.
Part IV of schedule 1 to the Freedom of Information Act...
Dear Mr Waring,
Thank you for your email dated 2 February about Burnley Free School. I
have dealt with your request under the Freedom of Information...
Dear Mr Waring
With reference to your recent email. I can confirm that the original FOI request was dealt with by Mrs Haddock and the internal review...
Dear Mr Waring,
Thank you for your request for an Internal Review. Please find a response
Your correspondence has been allocated reference...
Dear David Trott,
Thank you for providing the funding figures part of the request also included the cost per pupil. ie the funding divided the nr of p...
Dear Mr Waring,
Many thanks for your request.
Unfortunately, the costs you have requested are not available in an
itemised format at this early stag...
Dear Mr Waring,
The Department has cost estimates for all aspects of the RSC programme. As
previously stated, full costings will be made available in...
Dear Mr Waring,
Thank you for your response.
Please do be aware that the information you have requested is already
timetabled for publication in the...
Also we should point out that while we welcome requests for information and are only too happy to help out, please - if they are actually addressed to...
Hello Bobby,
We will be applying for the October Free School applications 'window'.
We don't expect to identify any temporary or new build site befor...
This person's 32 annotations
Could these also be further distilled to a year by year cost since their beginning?
Many thanks
• There are no permanent exclusions
• The school does record internal exclusions (isolations) on a system called IRIS for all parents to view.
• Scho...
Following two complaints to the ICO, this authority replied to me directly by email 16/9/15 and so I am unable to display their reply on here.
I acknowledge that suspension should be considered a neutral act while an investigation is made following various types of allegation, however, could t...
I am looking to identify the catchment area for this school
that is
The number of pupils whose home postcode is... the distances away from the proposed school site
The reply was emailed to me directly instead of via this website, following my complaint to the ICO; hence my copying it back to confirm with the SBM a...
The response I had was from the 5th of Sept!
The DfE will not publish the requested information with the excuse that parents might react and respond to it in the way they describe, yet they contin...
Exclusion rates prior to academisation according to LCC
| | 2008/9| 2009/10| 2010/11|
sorry already asked in original request, I didn't scroll down far enough
Is this authority saying that its has the data or does not have the data requested?
Section 8.1.b of the FOI Act asks for an "address for correspondence", the email address used is sufficient. If a request is received by email and no p...
I remain uncertain why this authority refuses to communicate the information request electronically and wishes to post hard copies.
I'm looking for the number of people asked, what they were asked, what postcode those people live in, any any other evidence that was submitted...
It would be interesting to know what other evidence has been considered, the number of signatories, and what postcodes those were in, (without names)
Nor does the response mention entertainment or gifts.
I note the academy has not referred me to companies house in regard to this particular request which it seems keen to answer itself.
Dear St Christopher's
Perhaps I could clarify the request.
The information requested is NOT regarding fundraising BY parents; this request it is to d...
To be clear are you suggesting the academy has no knowledge of the identity of the parents whom have contributed to this separate fund, nor the level/a...
And the cost of each copyright licence held.