This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 69)
“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please find attached t...
Please see attached FOI response
“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”
Dear Sir or Madam,
Re: Freedom of Information request (Our Ref: SDR – 262013)
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request...
Dear B Black,
Please find attached response to your FOI Enquiry.
Rebecca Cope
Employment Service
Department for Employment...
Please see attached response re your FOI request
FOI Team
3rd Floor, Castle Court,
Royal Avenue, Belfast BT1 1SB
Dear B Black
Following your complaint to the ICO, please find attached final response
to your FOI request and documentation requested in a redac...
Dear Mrs Black,
Please find response to your FOI request made on 16 March 2014 and amended
on 17 March 2014.
Yours sincerely
Dear Mrs Black,
Please find response to your FOI request dated 1 April 2014.
Yours sincerely
Mark Millican
Central Expendit...
KADCYLA® Kadcyla Glossary is approved to treat HER2-positive breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body (metastatic breast cancer) after...
Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy (SABR) Centres in England.
Clatterbridge for Oncology, Liverpool
St James...
“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”
May I enquire as to why the response to my FOI request was
forwarded again.
Yours sincerely,
B Black...
Dear Sir/Madam
Please find attached the response to your FOI request DSD/2014-0071
Universal Credit Senior Sponsoring Group Programme Board. Onc...
Please see attached response.
B Black (by e-mail)
[email address]
Enterprise Shared Services
Department of Finance and Personnel
Please disregard the previous email. The correct letter is attached to this email.
Ref. FOI/ 2014 / Mar DATE \@ "d MMMM yyyy" 19 May 2014 Repl...
Dear Mrs Black,
Please see attached response.
Nigel Monroe | Social Security Agency | Commercial Services | Medical...
Dear Mrs Black,
Please see attached response.
Nigel Monroe | Social Security Agency | Commercial Services | Medical...
“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”
Please see attached response to the FOI request.
Brian O’Kane
*********************** IMPORTANT MESSAGE
Dear Mr Black
Please see attached response to your FOI request.
Margaret Gibson
Assistant Access to Information Manager
Corporate Communica...
“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”
Mr Black
Please find attached response to your Freedom of Information Request.
B Black [ mailto:[FOI #206684 email] ] Parkin...
This person's 24 annotations
Good old section 43 again. What would IDS do without it?
KADCYLA® Kadcyla Glossary is approved to treat HER2-positive breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body (metastatic breast cancer) after...
Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy (SABR) Centres in England.
Clatterbridge for Oncology, Liverpool
St James...
FOI ref no. DFP/2014-0313
Sorry meant to post this and not the one above.
Now called "Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service"
The Commissioner considers that the purpose of s35(1)(a) is to protect the integrity of the process of formulating and developing Government policy, an...
Section 35(1)(a) covers any information relating to the formulation and development of government policy. There is no automatic public interest in with...
Section 35: However, the exemptions are qualified by the public interest test. Even if an exemption is engaged, departments can only withhold the info...
Section 35 sets out four exemptions designed to protect good government and provide a safe space for policymaking. Only central government can use thes...
Dear Ms Torrens
The links you have provided are invalid.
please see
Please see: 2. What happens after you tell DVLA.
Dear Michael, Why not send them a reminder.
See also:
Almost anything in writing which asks for information will count as a request under the Act.
Under the Act, if you have information in your records t...