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Printed from on September 11, 2024 00:37
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 5)
Dear Ayomide
I am writing in response to your request for information under the Freedom
of Information Act (our reference FOI/2021/393).
Dear Ayomide Akinsinmide,
Freedom of Information Request Ref: F21_413
Thank you for your request for information from the University of York.
Dear Ayomide,
My sincere apologies I have responded to your 1st response twice.
I write on behalf of the University of Leicester in response to your...
Dear Ayomide,
I write on behalf of the University of Leicester in response to your
request, dated 5th September 2021 made under the provisions o...
Dear Ayomide
Please see attached our response to your information request.
Kind regards
Jade Roche
Information Compliance
Business Assurance
This person's annotations
None made.