There is more than one person who uses this site and has this name. Search for other users named "Anthony Harris"
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 6)
These are already publically available here, on the WMCA Assetbank
Dear Mr Harris
Please find attached our response to two Freedom of Information requests
dated 17^th March 2019.
Kind regards
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. This is an automated response to acknowledge that your email has been received.
If this is an initia...
Dear Mr Harris
Please find our response to your request for information attached.
Yours sincerely
Samantha Holmes
e: [email address]
Morning Mr Harris
Please see attachments that were missing from your response
Please accept our apologies for the delay in getting these to...
Dear Mr Harris
Thank you for your email dated 16^th February.
Please find attached our response
Kind regards
Fazila Nawaz
This person's 1 annotation
Thanks Tom,
I know what you mean, there are TfWM Brand Guidelines but only for TfWM and not their modes. It would be great even if Abellio makes them....