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This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 7)
Dear Ms Sykes
Please find attached our response to your freedom of information request
logged 17 January 2023
Please accept my apologies f...
Information request
Our reference: 3225621
Dear Kelly Jo Sykes
Reference: FOI-480009185
Date of request: 17/01/2023
Title of request: BID Levy
Information request:
Dear Milton Keynes Council,
Good Morning
Our organisation does not hold the information you have requested nor do we have access to it as it is nothing to do with BMKALC.
Reference: FOI-480012280
Date of request: 20/01/2023
Title of request: Premises Licenced to sell alcohol
Information request:
Dear Freedom of Info...
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Click to read it online.
If you...
Dear St Mary's Church of England School, Aylesbury,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to...
This person's annotations
None made.