This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 39)
Dear Ms Reeves,
Please find attached the Department of Health and Social Care's response
to your recent FOI request (our ref: FOI-1171552 )
To assist the Public please note the response below achieved by a member of the Public that the CPS has not reviewed the full documented archives and...
Thank you for contacting the Department of Health and Social Care.
This is an acknowledgement - please do not reply to this email.
Where a reply is...
Dear Ms Reeves,
Please find attached the Department of Health's response to your recent
FOI request (our ref:1081401 )
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mrs Reeves
Please find attached the Department's response to your recent FOI request
(our ref: 1069037).
Yours sincerely
Dorothy Crowe
Dear Ms Reeves
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request
Please see the attached response to your Freedom of Information request.
Dear Hampshire Constabulary,
Thank you for your response we are grateful for your time... I thought it would have been recorded information to who wa...
Dear Ms Pearson (Head of Legal and Insurance Services )
I trust I am writing to the correct person who responded to this request as it only stated;...
Dear Ms Reeves
Please find attached the Department's response to your recent FOI request.
Yours sincerely
Dorothy Crowe
Freedom of Information...
Whilst I agree that compensation lawyers should not be able to deal with criminal cases, perhaps the greatest enemy of an effective legal remedy in th...
Dear Mr Lamond and Mr Roy Stewart,
Thank you for your response. I'm not sure who is looking after what regarding my DPA (subject access request) bu...
As part of the Individual classifications regarding my mother I note some comments on another patient (un-named) I believe these cases were those ass...
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
Martin Luther King:
Dare to be a Daniel
Dare to stand alone
Dare to have a purpose firm
Dare to make it known
On the inside of the book by Tony Benn in handwriting...
This FOI is no longer here.. it states clearly that they do not hold the information see dates closed. Ann Reeves is now asking Hampshire Police direct...
Email sent on behalf of Mark Ellen
Ref: IAT/ME/F13/5888
Dear Mrs Reeves
Thank you for your further FOI request relating to Professor David...
Dear MSCS,
I would be most grateful to a response to my FOI request which is now long overdue.
Many thanks
Ann Reeves & family
They were asked for copies of 'all communications shared between the stakeholders named here, and the DoH'..that includes emails ....where ARE they?
Dear Information Commissioner’s Office,
Please can you respond to this request by law I understand you should have responded by the 26th July 2013....
Email Content stored in attached file 'Long_Email_Body_04_06_2013.html'.
Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored an...
Dear FOI (HPCT)*,
Thank you for your response, it is extrodanary one to. I am quite aware of the documentation recieved but perhaps I know more than...
Escalating this to the ICO..
I did not request that you answer this letter under the FOI.
I requested for Hampshire Police to respond to my letter that they have had in their pos...
Dear Hampshire Constabulary,
I sent an email to Mr Grocott and Mr Roy Stephenson who were the point of contact regarding Operation Rochester and also...
I can confirm that your request for information has been forwarded to the Freedom of Information mailbox at Hampshire Constabulary. If you wish t...
This person's 49 annotations
To assist the Public please note the response below achieved by a member of the Public that the CPS has not reviewed the full documented archives and...
Research the Gosport War Memorial Hospital now on its 12th Inquiry behind closed doors funding £M by the Department of Health. The report is due Spring...
Here is some useful information and Dr Jane Barton was not even struck off, the familes are enduring 12 Inquiry behind closed doors yet again .... htt...
Many thanks for continuing to expose this shocking organisation.. I wonder if Gosport War Memorial Hospital now enduring yet another Inquiry behind clo...
Thank you for broadening the issues you challenge with the PHSO to the Wider Public it is staggering and very informative... wakeup UK. Best wishes An...
Thank you Jt Oakley and Emma for your advice its all very informative. I note Jt your many PHSO requests and your tenacity, part from the other quango...
PHSO are not interested in transparency for anyone..their policy is pushing paper round an office going through the motion... always with no case to an...
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
Martin Luther King:
Please contact John White at Black Lapthorn he was present during our meeting at the CPS with Paul Close after all he is a lawyer.
John White heard e... I hope this link helps as to the abuse one can expect from the CPS,...
As I understand a brave woman doctor (herself with a terminal illness) who reported her suspicions about Harold Shipman was told that her own career co...
Escalate it to the ICO, I know they are not always helpful but at least its on record.... GMC should have at least sent you a reply out of courtesy to...
Awaiting internal review
I note they are still up to their delaying tactics.. maybe an idea to escalate it to the ICO Dee or give the ICO a ring and get some advice? December 5...
Thanks for the advice on here, I am using it in my complaint to the ICO.. Ann
Ask the GMC (Gross Medical Cover-ups) regarding Dr Jane Barton and her death rate... they set the bench mark for their protocols after we finally got h...
Escalating this to the ICO..
Criminal offence:0 what do they care. When I made a formal complaint to the GMC re Dr Jane Barton there was already a Police investigation going on reg...
Please refer to the case of Dr Jane Barton and you will know exactly what the GMC et all will do to protect the public!
The Case of Dr Jane Barton to...
Please note the above annotation was not written by me!
Although I would agree with who wrote this.
It is as plain as a pikestaff that the GMC Panel's conclusions were politically controlled, and entirely consistent with the Prime Minister's statement...
We second the corruption ... all these bodies put in place paid for by the tax payer! They send you around in never ending circles while they share al...
I look forward to seeing if the "3 strikes and your out". policy applies", being as I noted in my DPA that Mr Niall Dickson stated regarding myself.....
The CPS consider themselves above the law.. and they know that they can do just that.. they are the government brick-wall and are controlled by such....
I totally agree the CPS and the Police will do all they can to deter from the truth being exposed.. just as they did in the Dr Jane Barton case.. 3 ti...
When the GMC can let this doctor on the loose with her morphine regime since the 1990 then there is no hope for anyone.
The GMC should be band, ther...