This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 256)
Mr Richards
Please see attached letter.
Tom Deards
Legal & Governance Director
Canal & River Trust
Dear Allan Richards,
We can confirm that we have refused parts 1, 2 and 4 under both exemptions
Kind regards
Information Rights Team
Dear Canal & River Trust,
I am still awaiting a response to this request made on 27 November 2024.
Please note that the Information Commissioner is...
This is an automated response confirming receipt of your email to Canal &
River Trust’s Information Request mailbox. Please do not reply to this
This is an automated response confirming receipt of your email to Canal &
River Trust’s Information Request mailbox. Please do not reply to this
Dear Canal & River Trust,
For the avoidance of doubt please provide the requested information via whatdotheyknow providing full details of any exempt...
This is an automated response confirming receipt of your email to Canal &
River Trust’s Information Request mailbox. Please do not reply to this
This is an automated response confirming receipt of your email to Canal &
River Trust’s Information Request mailbox. Please do not reply to this
While no _application for an order_ has been made this does not negate the possibility that
(1) CRT approached Defra with a finalised draft order, so...
Dear Canal & River Trust,
Thank you for your two responses today which again fail to provide me with the information requested.
If you had bothere...
Dear Canal & River Trust,
This request is withdrawn due to duplication.
Yours faithfully,
Allan Richards
This is an automated response confirming receipt of your email to Canal &
River Trust’s Information Request mailbox. Please do not reply to this
Dear Canal & River Trust,
I would ask that you clarify your response to my request for review.
My request made on 11 September 2024 was for -
Mr Richards
Please see attached letter and attachment.
Tom Deards
Legal & Governance Director
Canal & River Trust
Dear Mr Deards,
Thank you for your second response to my request for review.
My request was made 21 April 2024 and was as follows -
Mr Richards
See attached letter.
Tom Deards
Legal & Governance Director
Canal & River Trust
Note: CRT's Legal & Governance Director has asked that communications are addressed to him rather than "Dear Canal & River Trust" which is my normal pr...
Note: CRT's Legal & Governance Director has asked that communications are addressed to him rather than "Dear Canal & River Trust" which is my normal pr...
Dear Canal & River Trust,
Further to your communication today which I find confrontational and harassing -
My request for review was made in accord...
Dear Canal & River Trust,
I refer to my communication at -
- where this r...
Dear Allan Richards,
Please find attached a response letter to your request for an internal
review of FOI 22-24.
Dear Allan Richards,
Please find attached a response letter in your relation to your request
for information.
Kind Regards...
Dear Mr Richards
Further to the ICO decision in this matter, please find attached our
response and accompanying disclosure.
Best wishes....
Dear Allan Richard,
Please find attached a reply to your email of 10 August 2023 concerning
our response to your FOI request.
Yours sincer...
Dear Mr Richards
Thank you for your email. Please find your Freedom of
Information response attached.
Please do not reply to this email.
This person's 136 annotations
The Information Commissioner has given CRT 10 days to respond.
This request is now the subject of a complaint.
This request is now the subject of a complaint as CRT has failed to respond.
This request is now subject to a complaint as CRT have failed to respond.
A response to the request for review can be found appendended to another information request -
The following link might be of interest to P. Smith -
CRT has provided a response to this request (hiding it within a response to a different request) -
CRT has provided a response to this request (hiding it within a response to a different request) -
The Information Commissioner has given CRT 10 working days to respond.
The Information Commissioner has given CRT 10 working days to respond.
A complaint has been made to the Information Commissioner as CRT has not responded within 20 working days as require by law.
A complaint has been made to the Information Commissioner as CRT has not responded within 20 working days as require by law.
CRT (TOM Deards has responded today via a different WDTK information request. The following is the relevant extract from the letter
IR 23-24 - a revi...
Marcus asked for costs since May 2023.
Response was for costs since May 2024 ...
The Information Commissioner has written to CRT giving them ten days to respond.
To help Gerald -
Not quite what you are looking for but I requested information for 2022/23 to check daily counts of planned/unplanned stoppages. Th...
An authorily should respond promptly and in any case within 20 working days. In this case, a polite reminder was sent after 15 working days as CRT has...
A complaint has been made to the Information Commissioner due to CRT's threats and unreasonable delay in responding.
Canal & River Trust has failed to carry out a review within 20 working days. They have also failed to provide a copy of the DJS Research brief requeste...
I have withdrawn this request as some four months into 2024, CRT has finally published dates for board meetings in its meetings calendar.
As CRT now state that they hold information related to this request but have failed to provide it in the third and fourth response, the Information Com...
This request has now been closed and marked "refused" as the matter has been refered to the Information Commissioner.
CRT senior management have failed to respond to my concern that they have breached s.77 FOIA in respect of this request. I have therefore referred the...
The Information Commissioner has today issued a 25 page decision notice requiring CRT to provide a small subset of the information requested within 35...
P. Smiths request -
Please provide the minutes of all discussions in 2022 and 2023 between CRT and DEFRA regarding the ONS Public Sector Classificatio...